Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Juridical Science (SJD)


The goal of the dissertation is to analyze reproductive medicine, criticize informed consent forms for receiving reproductive treatments, and imply prevention of circumvention of medical tourism. Most of all, the dissertation considers a theoretical approach regarding how we understand reproductive treatments. The dissertation divides reproductive treatments into sustainable and disruptive ones. Reproductive treatments referred to as sustainable ones have legally become pervasive after regulatory evaluations concerning safety, ethical, and legal concerns. However, a few reproductive treatments that are referred to as disruptive ones still have led to disputes regarding whether infertility couples can require and receive them for treatment. The dissertation focuses on safety, ethical, and legal issues caused by the application of reproductive treatments in the United Kingdom, the United States, and South Korea.

Moreover, the dissertation raises questions regarding whether informed consent forms contribute to protecting infertility couples receiving reproductive treatments and preventing circumvention of medical tourism. Across countries in the world, the dissertation demonstrates the informed consent forms established by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority of the United Kingdom. The dissertation criticizes problems of the informed consent forms with a comparative analysis of these forms between the United Kingdom and South Korea. It implies how informed consent forms can be improved effectively.
