Migrations constitutionnelles d'hier et d'aujourd'hui (edited by Elisabeth Zoller)
The 4th International Symposium of the CDPC on "Constitutional Migration of Yesterday and Today" is part of its program of research on the values of public law.
In the interstate circulation of legal institutions or principles of freedom, some transfers succeed when others fail. In terms of success, the transfiguration of Germany in the 1930s into an exemplary state of law that today serves as a model for states emerging from dictatorships is a true miracle. In terms of failures, Russia's difficulties in becoming a liberal state, China's refusal to accept pluralism, Islam's resistance to insisting on the principle of separation between religion and the state bear witness to the complex issues that pose the phenomena of legal acculturation. To these questions, the comparative study of public rights must give answers.
Contributions gathered here that cover countries as diverse in ancient worlds as China, India, the Maghreb countries, Turkey or Russia, and in the new worlds, Latin America and South Africa, it appears that these answers cannot be univocal. It is necessary to mobilize several knowledges to succeed to make love freedom in societies more and more globalized.
9791090429994 (pb.)
Publication Date
Editions Pantheon-Assas
Paris, France
Constitutional Law, Congresses
Constitutional Law | Law
Recommended Citation
Zoller, Elisabeth, "Migrations constitutionnelles d'hier et d'aujourd'hui (edited by Elisabeth Zoller)" (2017). Books & Book Chapters by Maurer Faculty. 195.
Full bibliographic details available HERE.
Copy available in the Jerome Hall Law Library, K 3165 .A6 M54 2017 (Faculty Publications collection)
In addition to editing the volume, Professor Zoller wrote the Introduction.
Part of the series: Colloques (Editions Panthéon-Assas)