Federal Communications Law Journal

Document Type


Publication Date


Publication Citation

52 Federal Communications Law Journal 429 (2000)


Studies indicate that nearly two-thirds of children use the Internet. Children online users have created unique concerns for Internet providers and lawmakers. The collection, storage, and sale of a child online user's personal information without the child or parent's knowledge or consent has elicited much concern. Such a practice is commonplace in the world of the Internet. Congress, through the Child Online Privacy Protection Act, and the Internet industry have addressed how to curb this practice. In addition to these efforts, technological tools are currently available that block the transfer of personally identifiable information from the user to the computer. Despite these efforts, concerns still remain. This Note attempts to answer the question: Who is in the best position to properly and effectively protect a child's privacy online? By examining the flaws of both Internet efforts and the COPPA, this Note concludes that inviting parents to take responsibility for their children's online safety is necessary in order to secure the future of a child online's privacy. Once Congress and the Internet industry inform parents about the online dangers their children face, parents are in the best position to protect a child's privacy online.
