Federal Communications Law Journal

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Publication Citation

61 Federal Communications Law Journal 738 (2009)


The Internet has dramatically changed the methods by which people purchase tickets to events. In the past decade, the secondary ticket market has grown exponentially, and today the online ticket resale industry is valued at approximately $4 billion. Although there are consumer benefits to this industry growth, some of the industry practices have precipitated a consumer backlash. This was typified in 2007 when many parents, hoping to purchase tickets to the Hannah Montana "Best of Both Worlds Tour," watched as tickets sold out online in only a few minutes or less. Coupled with this episode was the Ticketmaster v. RMG Technologies case, which dealt with brokers who were using software to aid in purchasing large quantities of tickets to high-profile events. Congress has finally started to pay attention in 2009. This Note argues that the time for national regulation of this growing market is now.
