
Document Type


Publication Date

Winter 2023

Publication Citation

30 Indiana J. Global Legal Studies 195


In this article, the author addresses the complex and multifaceted relationship between the right to good administration enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the uses of blockchain technology by the public administration, which is in charge of making the right to good administration real. The opportunities and threats come hand in hand, and there is an urgent need to push forward a public debate on the uses and misuses of blockchain to guarantee public services, so much so that many aspects of blockchain are not compatible with citizens’ expectations in relation to the public sector. Although the focus is on Europe, and the right to good administration is not technically recognized on the international level, the globalization produced by technological advancements on the one hand, and the emergence of global administrative law on the other hand, makes this debate relevant to the rest of the democratic states that want to foster human-centric technologies for the well-being of their citizens.

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