Retaliation in an EEO World
Deborah L. Brake
The Feasibility of Litigation Markets
Jonathan T. Molot
Seeing is Believing: The Anti-Inference Bias
Eyal Zamir Prof., Ilana Ritov, and Doron Teichman
FRAND's Forever: Standards, Patent Transfers, and Licensing Commitments
Jay P. Kesan and Carol M. Hayes
Citizens United, States Divided: An Empirical Analysis of Independent Political Spending
Douglas M. Spencer and Abby Wood
Review for Release: Juvenile Offenders, State Parole Practices, and the Eighth Amendment
Sarah F. Russell
Evolving Values, Animus, and Same-Sex Marriage
Daniel O. Conkle
Leveling Up After DOMA
Deborah A. Widiss