
Publication Citation

2 (1) IUSTITIA 66 (1974)


It is a premise of this paper that television reflects a pro-natalist bias in its promotion of the traditional female role in society, and that such bias is evident in both commercial advertisements as well as in dramatic presentations particularly on daytime television. Those who are opposed to a pro-natalist point of view will find it virtually impossible to air their opposition effectively. At best anti-natalist groups may be able to garner only meager financial resources to air spot commercials, but this is hardly adequate to combat the subtle onslaught of the opposition. Suggestions have been made that pro-natalist attitudes be countered by means of the Federal Communications Commission's Fairness Doctrine which might possibly enable anti-natalist groups to gain access to the airwaves. This paper will examine present television attitudes as well as the history and status of the Fairness Doctrine in an attempt to evaluate the availability of this doctrine as a tool for those interested in population control.
