
Document Type

Misc. Materials related to Dean Lauren Robel

Publication Date


Publication Citation

HERALD TIMES, "Women of Distinction Honored," November 29, 2007


The Girl Scouts of Tulip Trace Council, Inc. 2007 Women of Distinction Awards Dinner held on Friday, Nov. 16. Pictured from front left are Mary Krupinski (Honoree), Lauren Robel (Honoree), Anna Weigand (Honoree), Janet Skillman (Honoree), Jenny Morgan (Honoree), Alisa Wright (Honoree). In the back row from the left are Pam Freeman (Honoree), Ann Shea (WTIU producer-mistress of ceremonies), Deborah O'Brien (Girl Scouts of Tulip Trace Council CEO), Regina Moore (Bloomington city clerk and event co-chair), Sue Wanzer (Girl Scouts of Tulip Trace Council Board president).
