Included in this collection are articles written by Maurer faculty in both our own law journals and in those published by others.

Submissions from 1939

The New Federal Rules and State Procedure, Bernard C. Gavit
(25 American Bar Association Journal 367 (1939))

Book Review. Brown, E. L., Lawyers and the Promotion of Justice, Jerome Hall
(1 Louisiana Law Review 862 (1939))

Book Review. Pound, R., The Formative Era of American Law, Jerome Hall
(52 Harvard Law Review 1191 (1939))

Forum Juridicum: Recent Penal Legislation, Jerome Hall
(1 Louisiana Law Review 541 (1939))

Work of the Louisiana Supreme Court, 1937-38 Term: Criminal Law and Procedure, Jerome Hall
(1 Louisiana Law Review 371 (1939))

Book Review. Handbook of the Conflict of Laws, 2nd ed. by Herbert F. Goodrich, Fowler V. Harper
(33 Illinois Law Review 871 (1939))

Book Review. Lawyers and the Promotion of Justice by Esther Lucille Brown, Fowler V. Harper
(2 National Lawyers Guild Quarterly 70 (1939))

Book Review. The Judicial Process in Tort Cases by Leon Green, Fowler V. Harper
(25 Iowa Law Review 182 (1939))

Criminal Appeals in America -- A Book Review, James J. Robinson
(23 Journal of the American Judicature Society 153 (1939))

The Indiana Magistrates Court Act, James J. Robinson
(23 Journal of the American Judicature Society 82 (1939))

Rationale of Agreement, Hugh Evander Willis
(27 Kentucky Law Journal 284 (1939))

Rationale of Bargain Consideration, Hugh Evander Willis
(27 Georgetown Law Journal 414 (1939))

Submissions from 1938

The Future of the Common Law, Robert C. Brown
(13 Indiana Law Journal 521 (1938))

Administrative Bureaus and the Lawyers: Some Comments Related to Missouri, Ralph F. Fuchs
(9 Missouri Bar Journal 93 (1938))

Book Review. Gavit, B.C., Cases and Materials on an Introduction to Law and the Judicial Process, Ralph F. Fuchs
(11 Southern California Law Review 393 (1938))

Book Review. Stason, E.B., The Law of Administrative Tribunals: A Collection of Judicial Decisions, Statutes, Administrative Rules and Orders and Other Materials for Use in Courses on Administrative Law, Ralph F. Fuchs
(38 Columbia Law Review 536 (1938))

Book Review. The President's Committee on Administrative Management: Report of the Committee with Studies of Administrative Management in the Federal Government, Ralph F. Fuchs
(16 North Carolina Law Review 438 (1938))

Book Review. Vernier, C. G., American Family Laws, Vol. 5: Incompetents and Dependents, Ralph F. Fuchs
(48 Yale Law Journal 363 (1938))

Concepts and Policies in Anglo-American Administrative Law Theory, Ralph F. Fuchs
(47 Yale Law Journal 538 (1938))

Current Proposals for the Reorganization of the Federal Regulatory Agencies, Ralph F. Fuchs
(16 Texas Law Review 335 (1938))

Procedure in Administrative Rule-Making, Ralph F. Fuchs
(52 Harvard Law Review 259 (1938))

Cheatham, E., Cases and Materials on the Legal Profession, Bernard C. Gavit
(16 Texas Law Review 620 (1938))

The New Federal Rules and Indiana Procedure, Bernard C. Gavit
(13 Indiana Law Journal 203 (1938))

The New Federal Rules and Indiana Procedure (Part II), Bernard C. Gavit
(13 Indiana Law Journal 299 (1938))

Committee on Survey of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure, Jerome Hall
(29 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 562 (1938))

Liability in Anglo-American Law for Damage Done by Chattels, Fowler V. Harper
(2 University of Toronto Law Journal 280 (1938))

A Re-Examination of the Basis for Liability for Emotional Distress, Fowler V. Harper and Mary Coate McNeely
(1938 Wisconsin Law Review 426)

A Synthesis of the Law of Misrepresentation, Fowler V. Harper and Mary Coate McNeely
(22 Minnesota Law Review 939 (1938))

Foreign Pupil Tuition Racket, Frank E. Horack Jr.
(6 Educational Law and Administration 13 (1938))

Book Review. Cases on Conflict of Laws (Lorenzen), Comparative Commentaries on Private International Law, and Cases on Conflict of Laws (Harper and Taintor), Frank Edward Horack Jr.
(5 University of Chicago Law Review 704 (1938))

Manslaughter by Motorists, James J. Robinson
(22 Minnesota Law Review 755 (1938))

The Part of the United States Constitution Made by the Supreme Court, Hugh Evander Willis
(23 Iowa Law Review 165 (1938))

Submissions from 1937

Tax Laws of Indiana as They Relate to Corporations for Profit, Harriet W. Bouslog and Robert C. Brown
(13 Indiana Law Journal 32 (1937))

Constitutional Limitations on Progressive Taxation of Gross Income, Robert C. Brown
(22 Iowa Law Review 246 (1937))

The Treatment for Federal Income Tax Purposes of Errors in the Deduction of Other Taxes, Robert C. Brown
(85 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 385 (1937))

Book Review. Oppenheim, S. C., Cases on Trade Regulation, Ralph F. Fuchs
(2 Missouri Law Review 386 (1937))

Book Review. Stimson, E. S., Conflict of Criminal Laws, Ralph F. Fuchs
(22 Washington University Law Quarterly 296 (1937))

Book Review. Toulmin, H. A., Trade Agreements and the Anti-Trust Laws, Ralph F. Fuchs
(15 North Carolina Law Review 458 (1937))

The Educational Value of a Legal Clinic -- Some Doubts and Queries, Ralph F. Fuchs
(8 American Law School Review 857 (1937))

The Wagner Act Decisions and Factual Technique in Public Law Cases, Ralph F. Fuchs and Walter Freedman
(22 Washington University Law Quarterly 510 (1937))

The Bill Abolishing the Demurrer, and Other Procedural Acts, Bernard C. Gavit
(12 Indiana Law Journal 219 (1937))

Book Review. Vollmer, A., The Police and Modern Society, Jerome Hall
(6 Brooklyn Law Review 400 (1937))

Nulla Poena Sine Lege, Jerome Hall
(47 Yale Law Journal 165 (1937))

Book Review. Legislative Loss Distribution in Negligence Actions by C. O. Gregory, Fowler V. Harper
(16 Texas Law Review 146 (1937))

Malicious Prosecution, False Imprisonment and Defamation, Fowler V. Harper
(15 Texas Law Review 157 (1937))

Book Review. The History and Development of the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States by Nelson B. Lasson, Framl Horack Jr.
(31 American Political Science Review 1172 (1937))

Book Review. Principles of Conflict of Laws by George Wilfred Stumberg, Frank Edward Horack Jr.
(37 Columbia Law Review 1248 (1937))

The Common Law of Legislation, Frank Edward Horack Jr.
(23 Iowa Law Review 41 (1937))

The Multiple Consequences of a Single Criminal Act, Frank Edward Horack Jr.
(21 Minnesota Law Review 805 (1937))

Special Legislation: Another Twilight Zone (Part 2), Frank E. Horack and Mathew E. Welsh
(12 Indiana Law Journal 183 (1937))

Restatement of the Law of Property, Leon H. Wallace
(12 Indiana Law Journal 243 (1937))

Constitution Making in 1935-1936, Hugh Evander Willis
(22 Washington University Law Quarterly 206 (1937))

Historical Myth and Constitutional Absolutism, Hugh Evander Willis
(2 Journal of Social Philosophy 167 (1937))

Significant Changes in Public Utility Law, Hugh Evander Willis
(25 Georgetown Law Journal 877 (1937))

Submissions from 1936

Domicile Versus Situs as the Basis of Tax Jurisdiction, Robert C. Brown
(12 Indiana Law Journal 87 (1936))

Multiple Taxation by the States -- What Is Left of It?, Robert C. Brown
(48 Harvard Law Review 407 (1936))

State Taxation of Interstate Commerce, and Federal and State Taxation in Intergovernmental Relations -- 1932-1935, Robert C. Brown
(24 Georgetown Law Journal 584 (1936))

The Taxation of Real Estate Subject to Mortgage and Other Incumbrances, Robert C. Brown
(20 Minnesota Law Review 347 (1936))

When is a Tax not a Tax?, Robert C. Brown
(11 Indiana Law Journal 399 (1936))

Restatement of the Law of Trusts, Alfred Evens
(11 Indiana Law Journal 397 (1936))

Accomplishments of the Missouri Bar Association in Improving Judicial and Governmental Administration, 1926-1936, Ralph F. Fuchs
(7 Missouri Bar Journal 366 (1936))

Alternatives in Government Control of Economic Enterprise, Ralph F. Fuchs
(21 Iowa Law Review 325 (1936))

Book Review. Brant, I., Storm Over the Constitution, Ralph F. Fuchs
(21 St. Louis Law Review 362 (1936))

Book Review. Stason, E.B., Cases and Other Materials on the Law of Municipal Corporations, Ralph F. Fuchs
(14 Texas Law Review 421 (1936))

Book Review. Taylor, H. B., The Law of Guardian and Ward, Ralph F. Fuchs
(45 Yale Law Journal 1156 (1936))

Book Review. Vernier, C. G., American Family Laws, Vols. 3 and 4, Ralph F. Fuchs
(21 St. Louis Law Review 362 (1936))

Regional Agencies for Metropolitan Areas, Ralph F. Fuchs
(22 Washington University Law Quarterly 64 (1936))

A Course on the Introduction to Law, Bernard C. Gavit
(8 American Law School Review 413 (1936))

A Declaratory Judgment for Procedure, Bernard C. Gavit
(22 American Bar Association Journal 898 (1936))

The Jurisdiction of Courts (Part 1), Bernard C. Gavit
(11 Indiana Law Journal 324 (1936))

The Jurisdiction of Courts (Part 2), Bernard C. Gavit
(11 Indiana Law Journal 439 (1936))

The Jurisdiction of Courts (Part 3), Bernard C. Gavit
(11 Indiana Law Journal 524 (1936))

Book Review. M. H. Smith, Prisons and a Changing Civilisation, Jerome Hall
(24 Georgetown Law Journal 1099 (1936))

Book Review. Underhill, H. C., A Treatise on the Law of Criminal Evidence, Jerome Hall
(26 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 954 (1936))

Criminology and a Modern Penal Code, Jerome Hall
(27 Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology 1 (1936))

Edward Livingston and His Louisiana Penal Code, Jerome Hall
(22 American Bar Association Journal 191 (1936))

Legal and Social Aspects of Arrest Without a Warrant, Jerome Hall
(49 Harvard Law Review 566 (1936))

The Law of Arrest in Relation to Contemporary Social Problems, Jerome Hall
(3 University of Chicago Law Review 345 (1936))

Pupils and Parents, Frank E. Horack Jr.
(4 Yearbook of School Law 10 (1936))

Special Legislation: Another Twilight Zone (Part 1), Frank E. Horack
(12 Indiana Law Journal 109 (1936))

Book Review. Cases and Materials on Creditors' Rights, 2nd ed. by John Hanna, James J. Robinson
(1 Missouri Law Review 220 (1936))

Rationale of the Law of Contracts, Hugh Evander Willis
(11 Indiana Law Journal 227 (1936))

Submissions from 1935

Book Review. Cases on Business Organization by R. Magill and R. P. Hamilton, Robert C. Brown
(21 Virginia Law Review 966 (1935))

Book Review. State Inheritance Taxation and Taxability of Trusts by Royce A. Kidder, Robert C. Brown
(23 California Law Review 459 (1935))

Duress and Fraud as Grounds for the Annulment of Marriage, Robert C. Brown
(10 Indiana Law Journal 473 (1935))

The Taxation of Trust Property, Robert C. Brown
(23 Kentucky Law Journal 403 (1935))

The Time for Taking Deductions for Losses and Bad Debts for Income Tax Purposes, Robert C. Brown
(84 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 41 (1935))

A Postscript -- The Schechter Case, Ralph F. Fuchs
(20 St. Louis Law Review 297 (1935))

Book Review. The March of the Bureaus, Ralph F. Fuchs
(20 St. Louis Law Review 189 (1935))

Collective Labor Agreements under Administrative Regulation of Employment, Ralph F. Fuchs
(35 Columbia Law Review 493 (1935))

Judicial Method and the Constitutionality of the N.I.R.A., Ralph F. Fuchs
(20 St. Louis Law Review 199 (1935))

Book Review. Harrison, L. V., Police Administration in Boston, Jerome Hall
(35 Columbia Law Review 1328 (1935))

Book Review. Cases on Quasi-Contracts 3rd ed. by Edwin H. Woodruff, Frank Edward Horack Jr.
(23 California Law Review 554 (1935))

Federal-State Cooperation for Social Security: The Grant-in-Aid, Frank Edward Horack Jr.
(30 Illinois Law Review 292 (1935))

Submissions from 1934

The Action for Alienation of Affections, Robert C. Brown
(82 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 472 (1934))

The Theory and Practice of Modern Taxation, by William R. Green, Robert C. Brown
(9 Indiana Law Journal 327 (1934))

Book Review. Michael, J. and M.J. Adler, Crime, Law and Social Science, Ralph F. Fuchs
(19 St. Louis Law Review 362 (1934))

Book Review. United States Supreme Court Service, Ralph F. Fuchs
(19 St. Louis Law Review 159 (1934))

Arant, H., Cases and Other Materials on the American Bar and Its Ethics, Bernard C. Gavit
(82 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 421 (1934))

The Cause of Action--A Reply, Bernard C. Gavit
(82 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 695 (1934))