Included in this collection are articles written by Maurer faculty in both our own law journals and in those published by others.

Submissions from 2024

The Federal Pregnant Workers Fairness Act: Statutory Requirements, Regulations, and Need (Especially in Post-Dobbs America), Deborah Widiss
(27 Employee Rights & Employment Policy Journal 84)

La fin du droit national a l'interruption volontaire de grossesse aux Etats-Unis: Quels enseignements pour l'Etude comparative des droits?, Elisabeth Zoller
(137 Revue Francaise de Droit Constitutionnel 245)

Submissions from 2023

Build a Career That Aligns With Your Passions, Ashley A. Ahlbrand
(27 AALL Spectrum 1)

Committing to Agency Independence, Nicholas Almendares
(76 Vanderbilt Law Review En Banc 1)

The Undemocratic Class Action, Nicholas Almendares
(100 Washington University Law Review 611)

Standing in Reserve: A New Model for Hard Cases of Complicity, Nicholas Almendares and Dimitri Landa
(55 Arizona State Law Journal 431)

Remarks on Manifesting Justice: Wrongly Convicted Women Reclaim Their Rights, Amber Baylor, Valena Beety, and Susan Sturm
(43.2 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 134)

Policing Pregnancy "Crimes", Valena Beety and Jennifer Oliva
(98 New York University Law Review Online 29)

Racializing Algorithms, Jessica M. Eaglin
(111 California Law Review 753)

A Landmark Environmental Law Looks Ahead, Robert L. Fischman
(382 Science 1348 (2023))

Why States Should Conform to the New Corporate AMT, David Gamage and Darien Shanske
(107 Tax Notes State 601)

Judicial Ethics and Identity, Charles Gardner Geyh
(36 The Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics 233)

Fair Warnings from OFAC’s Settlements with Cryptocurrency Service Providers: Compliance Should Include Lifetime-of-the-Relationship, In-Process Geolocational Checks, Sarah Jane Hughes
(Business Law Today, February 21, 2023)

A Closer Look at the "Eye" Test: The British Influence on Early American Design Patent Infringement Law, Mark D. Janis
(13 IP Theory 56 (2023))

Stakeholderism Silo Busting, Aneil Kovvali
(90 University of Chicago Law Review 203)

Avoiding Scandals Through Tax Rulings Transparency, Leandra Lederman
(50 Florida State University Law Review 219)

Collective Data Rights and Their Possible Abuse, Asaf Lubin
(95 Temple Law Review 661)

Cyber Plungers: Colonial Pipeline and the Case for an Omnibus Cybersecurity Legislation, Asaf Lubin
(57 Georgia Law Review 1605)

Deals in the Heartland: Renewable Energy Projects, Local Resistance, and How Law Can Help, Christiana Ochoa
(107 Minnesota Law Review 1055)

The Child Vanishes: Justice Scalia's Approach to the Role of Psychology in Determining Children's Rights and Responsibilities, Aviva Orenstein
(18 Florida International University Law Review 61)

Accessing Justice with Zoom: Experiences and Outcomes in Online Civil Courts, Victor D. Quintanilla, Kurt Hugenberg, Ryan Hutchings, and Nedim Yel
(Accessing Justice with Zoom: Experiences and Outcomes in Online Civil Courts (2023))

The Racialized History of Vice Policing, India Thusi
(69 UCLA L. REV.)

Pregnant Workers Fairness Acts: Advancing a Progressive Policy in Both Red and Blue America, Deborah Widiss
(22 Nevada Law Journal 1131)

Privatizing Family Leave Policy: Assessing the New Opt-in Insurance Model, Deborah Widiss
(53 Seton Hall Law Review 1543)

Time Off Work For Menstruation: A Good Idea?, Deborah Widiss
(98 New York University Law Review Online 170)

Submissions from 2022

Considering "Machine Testimony": The Impact of Facial Recognition Software on Eyewitness Identifications, Valena Beety
(60 Duquesne Law Review 271)

Racial and Ethnic Ancestry of the Nation's Black Law Students: An Analysis of Data from the LSSSE Survey, Kevin D. Brown and Kenneth G. Dau-Schmidt
(22 Berkeley Journal of African-American Law & Policy 1 (2022))

Does U.S. Federal Employment Law Now Cover Caste Discrimination Based on Untouchability?: If All Else Fails There Is the Possible Application of Bostock v. Clayton County, Kevin D. Brown, Lalit Khandare, Annapurna Waughray, Kenneth G. Dau-Schmidt, and Theodore M. Shaw
(46 New York University Review of Law & Social Change 117 (2022))

Human Rights, Constitutional Rights, and Judicial Review: Comparing and Assessing Michael Perry's Early and Contemporary Arguments, Daniel O. Conkle
(71 Emory Law Journal 1365 (2022))

The American Experience with Employee Noncompete Clauses: Constraints on Employees Flourish and Do Real Damage in the Land of Economic Liberty, Kenneth G. Dau-Schmidt, Xiaohan Sun, and Phillip J. Jones
(42 Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal 585 (2022))

Tax Now or Tax Never: Political Optionality and the Case for Current-Assessment Tax Reform, David Gamage and John R. Brooks
(100 North Carolina Law Review 487 (2022))

Phased Mark-to-Market for Billionaire Income Tax Reforms, David Gamage and Darien Shanske
(176 Tax Notes Federal 1875 (2022))

Weathering State and Local Budget Storms: Fiscal Federalism with an Uncooperative Congress, David Gamage, Darien Shanske, Gladriel Shobe, and Adam Thimmesch
(55 University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 309 (2022))

Developments in the Laws Affecting Electronic Payments and Financial Services, Sarah Jane Hughes, Stephen T. Middlebrook, and Tom Kierner
(77 The Business Lawyer 287 (2022))

Facts Versus Discretion: The Debate Over Immigration Adjudication, Jayanth K. Krishnan
(37 Georgetown Immigration Law Review 1 (2022))

Overstepping: U.S. Immigration Judges and the Power to Develop the Record, Jayanth K. Krishnan
(2022 Wisconsin Law Review 57 (2022))

The Immigrant Struggle for Effective Counsel: An Empirical Assessment, Jayanth K. Krishnan
(2022 University of Illinois Law Review 1021 (2022))

The 'Impractical and Anomalous' Consequences of Territorial Inequity, Jayanth K. Krishnan
(36 Georgetown Immigration Law Journal 621 (2022))

The Law and Politics of Ransomware, Asaf Lubin
(55 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 1177 (2022))

The Reasonable Intelligence Agency, Asaf Lubin
(47 Yale Journal of International Law 119 (2022))

Worth a Shot: Encouraging Vaccine Uptake Through "Empathy", Jody L. Madeira
(24 Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment and Technology Law 363 (2022))

Data Types, Data Doubts & Data Trusts, João Marinotti
(97 New York University Law Review Online 146 (2022))

Escaping Circularity: the Fourth Amendment and Property Law, João Marinotti
(81 Maryland Law Review 641 (2022))

Possessing Intangibles, João Marinotti
(116 Northwestern University Law Review 1227 (2022))

Organized for Service: The Hicks Classification System and the Evolution of Law School Curriculum, John L. Moreland
(114 Law Library Journal 305 (2022))

Four Perspectives on a Sustainable Future in Nosara, Costa Rica, Greg Munno, Álvaro Salas Castro, Tina Nabatchi, and Christian M. Freitag
(14 Sustainability 16982 (2022))

A Heritage of Bias: From Naturalization and Immigration Laws in the Late 19th to Early 20th Centuries to Contemporary Bias Against Muslims and Latines, William D. Popkin

Girls, Assaulted, India Thusi
(116 Northwestern University Law Review 911 (2022))

The Pathological Whiteness of Prosecution, India Thusi
(110 California Law Review 795 (2022))

“The Virus of Liberty”: John Perry Barlow, Internet Law, and Grateful Dead Studies, Joseph A. Tomain
(5 Grateful Dead Studies 14)

Submissions from 2021

Modular Online Learning Design: A Flexible Approach for Diverse Learning Needs (Book Review), Ashley A. Ahlbrand
(RIPS-SIS Legal Research Text Reviews (2021))

Understanding & Tracking Presidential Transitions, Ashley A. Ahlbrand
(43 The CRIV Sheet 10 (Feb. 2021))

On the Ground: Real-world Solutions from Start to Finish: Tips from an Imperfect but Aspiring Writer, Ashley Ames Ahlbrand
(26 AALL Spectrum 36 (Sept.-Oct. 2021))

La Privatización, La Desregulación Y El Interés Público: Un Análisis Comparado, Alfred C. Aman
(214 Revista de Administración Pública 295 (April 2021))

Is New York’s Mark-to-Market Act Unconstitutionally Retroactive?, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah, David Gamage, Kirk J. Stark, and Darien Shanske
(99 Tax Notes State 541 (2021))

Compensating Victims of Police Violence, Valena Beety
(70 Emory Law Journal Online 47)

Forensic Evidence in Arizona: Reforms for Victims and Defendants, Valena Beety
(52 Arizona State Law Journal 709)

No Voice, No Exit, But Loyalty? Puerto Rico and Constitutional Obligation, Guy-Uriel E. Charles and Luis Fuentes-Rohwer
(26 Michigan Journal of Race and Law 133 (2021))

Goldilocks Deference, Daniel H. Cole, Elizabeth Baldwin, and Katie Meehan
(Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, Early View, 2/17/2021)

Men and Women of the Bar: A Second Look at the Impact of Gender on Legal Careers, Kenneth G. Dau-Schmidt and Kaushik Mukhopadhaya
(46 The Journal of the Legal Profession 1 (2021))

Population-Based Sentencing, Jessica M. Eaglin
(106 Cornell Law Review 353 (2021))

The Perils of "Old" and "New" in Sentencing Reform, Jessica M. Eaglin
(76 New York University Annual Survey of American Law 355 (2021))

To “Defund” the Police, Jessica M. Eaglin
(73 Stanford Law Review Online 120 (2021))

When Critical Race Theory Enters the Law & Technology Frame, Jessica M. Eaglin
(26 Michigan Journal of Race and Law 151 (2021))

Collaborative Governance Under the Endangered Species Act: An Empirical Analysis of Protective Regulations, Robert L. Fischman, Vicky J. Meretsky, and Matthew P. Castelli
(38 Yale Journal on Regulation 976 (2021))

Bursting the Auto Loan Bubble in the Wake of COVID-19, Pamela Foohey
(106 Iowa Law Review 2215 (2021))

Fintech's Role in Exacerbating or Reducing the Wealth Gap, Pamela Foohey and Nathalie Martin
(2021 University of Illinois Law Review 459 (2021))

Pathological Racism, Chronic Racism & Targeted Universalism, Luis Fuentes-Rohwer and Guy-Uriel Charles
(109 California Law Review 1107 (2021))

Toward a Law and Politics of Racial Solidarity, Luis Fuentes-Rohwer and Guy-Uriel Charles
(106 Cornell Law Review Online 50 (2021))

How to Measure and Value Wealth for a Federal Wealth Tax Reform, David Gamage, Ari Glogower, and Kitty Richards
(Roosevelt Issue Brief, April 2021)

Maryland’s Digital Tax and the ITFA’s Catch-22, David Gamage, Darien Shanske, and Christopher Moran
(100 Tax Notes State 141 (2021))

Judicial Independence at Twilight, Charles G. Geyh
(71 Case Western Reserve Law Review 1045 (2021))

The Architecture of Judicial Ethics, Charles G. Geyh
(169 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 2351 (2021))

Why a Federal Wealth Tax is Constitutional, Ari Glogower, David Gamage, and Kitty Richards
(Roosevelt Issue Brief, February 2021)

Cryptoassets and their Regulation under UK and EU Law in the Post-Brexit UK, Sarah Jane Hughes and Sara Kobal
(Financial Regulation International June 30, 2021)

Developments in the Laws Affecting Electronic Payments and Financial Services, Sarah Jane Hughes, Steve Middlebrook, and Tom Kierner
(76 Business Lawyer 325 (2020-2021))

A Pioneer of the Law & Society Movement: One Eyewitness’s Reflections, Jayanth K. Krishnan
(88 The University of Chicago Law Review 1715 (2021))

Judicial Power—Immigration-Style, Jayanth K. Krishnan
(73 Administrative Law Review 317 (2021))

Lawyers for the Undocumented: Addressing a Split Circuit Dilemma for Asylum-Seekers, Jayanth K. Krishnan
(82 Ohio State Law Journal 163 (2021))

The Fraud Triangle and Tax Evasion, Leandra Lederman
(106 Iowa Law Review 1153 (2021))

Valuation as a Challenge for Tax Administration, Leandra Lederman
(96 Notre Dame Law Review 1495 (2021))

Insuring Evolving Technology, Asaf Lubin
(28 Connecticut Insurance Law Journal 130 (2021))

Public Policy and the Insurability of Cyber Risk, Asaf Lubin
(5 Journal of Law and Technology at Texas 45 (2021))

Tangibility as Technology, João Marinotti
(37 Georgia State University Law Review 671 (2021))

Student Services Town Hall: Inspiration from a Distance, Kimberly Mattioli, Geraldine Kalim, and Edna Lewis
(50 ALL-SIS Newsletter 2021 (Winter 2021))

Second Thoughts on FDA's Covid-Era Mental Health App Policy, Michael Mattioli
(21 Houston Journal of Health Law and Policy 9 (2021))

Powerhouses: A Comparative Analysis of Blockchain-Enabled Smart Microgrids, Michael Mattioli and Scott J. Shackelford
(46 Journal of Corporation Law 1003 (2021))

Is Open Access Equal Access? PACER User Fees and Public Access to Court Information, John L. Moreland
(49 DTTP: Document to the People 42 (2021))

A Memorial Tribute to Professor John J. Murphy, Donna M. Nagy
(89 University of Cincinnati Law Review 810)

How States Should Now Consider Expanding Sales Taxes to Services, Part 2, Grace Stephenson Nielsen, Gladriel Shobe, Darien Shanske, and David Gamage
(99 Tax Notes State 45 (2021))

Contracts on the Seabed, Christiana Ochoa
(46 Yale Journal of International Law 103 (2021))

Nature's Rights, Christiana Ochoa
(11 Michigan Journal of Environmental and Administrative Law 39 (2021))

Narrowing Access to the Legal Profession: The Pandemic's Impact on First-Generation Women, Victor D. Quintanilla and Erin Freiburger
(Empirical Study of Legal Education and the Legal Profession 2 (October 2021))

The COVID-19 Pandemic and Bar Performance: Magnifying Adversities, Stress, and Disparities Among Bar Test-Takers, Victor D. Quintanilla, Erin Freiburger, and Sam Erman
(4 Raising the Bar 2 (October 2021))

Feminist Scripts for Punishment, India Thusi
(134 Harvard Law Review 2449 (2021))

The Biopolitics of Maskless Police, India Thusi
(18 Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law 555 (2021))

Chosen Family, Care, and the Workplace, Deborah Widiss
(131 Yale Law Journal Forum 215 (2021))

Menstruation Discrimination and the Problem of Shadow Precedents, Deborah Widiss
(41 Columbia Journal of Gender & Law 235 (2021))

Proving Discrimination by the Text, Deborah Widiss
(106 Minnesota Law Review 353 (2021))

Equalizing Parental Leave, Deborah A. Widiss
(105 Minnesota Law Review 2175 (2021))