Included in this collection are articles written by Maurer faculty in both our own law journals and in those published by others.

Submissions from 2021

The Hidden Gender of Gender-Neutral Paid Parental Leave: Examining Recently-Enacted Law in the United States and Australia, Deborah A. Widiss
(41 Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal 723 (2021))

ESG and Climate Change Blind Spots: Turning the Corner on SEC Disclosure, Cynthia A. Williams and Donna M. Nagy
(99 Texas Law Review 1453 (2021))

Rétrospectives et perspectives sur la place du droit comparé dans la jurisprudence du Conseil constitutionnel, Elisabeth Zoller
(21 Revue de Droit d' Assas 134 (2021))

Submissions from 2020

Analyzing Analytics: Litigation Analytics in Bloomberg Law, Westlaw Edge, and Lexis Advance, Ashley A. Ahlbrand
(42 The CRIV Sheet 9 (Feb. 2020))

CRIV Sheet Summaries: A Review of AALL Annual Meeting Educational Program - Legal Ethics in the Use of Artificial Intelligence, Ashley A. Ahlbrand
(42 The CRIV Sheet 12 (Nov. 2020))

CRIV Sheet Summaries: A Review of AALS Programming, Ashley A. Ahlbrand
(42 The CRIV Sheet 6 (Feb. 2020))

Unmarked Agents, Accountability, and the Anti-Commandeering Doctrine, Nicholas Almendares
(California Law Review Online (October 2020))

Jost Delbrück: a Reflection, Alfred C. Aman
(63 German Yearbook of International Law 79 (2020))

Changed Science Writs and State Habeas Relief, Valena Beety
(57 Houston Law Review 483)

The Violence of Nosy Questions, Jeannine Bell
(100 Boston University Law Review 935 (2020))

Do Founders Control Start-up Firms that Go Public?, Brian Broughman and Jesse M. Fried
(10 Harvard Business Law Review 49 (2020))

O Brother Where Art Thou? The Struggles of African American Men in the Global Economy of the Information Age, Kenneth G. Dau-Schmidt

Works of Eleanor D. Kinney, Susan David deMaine
(17 Indiana Health Law Review 9 (2020))

Keeping Up with New Legal Titles, Susan David deMaine and Susan Azyndar
(112 Law Library Journal 135 (2020))

Jost Delbrück: My Friend, Roger B. Dworkin
(63 German Yearbook of International Law 83 (2020))

The Categorical Imperative as a Decarceral Agenda, Jessica M. Eaglin
(104 Minnesota Law Review 2715 (2020))

Foreign Corruption as Market Manipulation, Gina-Gail S. Fletcher
(2020 University of Chicago Law Review Online 15 (2020))

Consumer Bankruptcy Should be Increasingly Irrelevant - Why Isn't It?, Pamela Foohey
(36 Emory Bankruptcy Developments Journal 653 (2020))

Consumers' Declining Power in the Fintech Auto Loan Market, Pamela Foohey
(15 Brooklyn Journal of Corporate Financial & Commercial Law 5 (2020))

Fines, Fees, and Filing Bankruptcy, Pamela Foohey
(98 North Carolina Law Review 419 (January 2019))

The Debt Collection Pandemic, Pamela Foohey, Dalie Jimenez, and Chris Odinet
(11 California Law Review Online 222 (2020))

The Folly of Credit as Pandemic Relief, Pamela Foohey, Dalie Jimenez, and Chrisopher K. Odinet
(68 UCLA Law Review Discourse 126 (2020))

Cares Act Gimmicks: How Not to Give People Money During a Pandemic and What to Do Instead, Pamela Foohey, Dalie Jimenez, and Christopher K. Odinet
(2020 University of Illinois Law Review Online 222 (2020))

Consumer Bankruptcy Panel: Bringing Relevance Back to Consumer Bankruptcy, Pamela Foohey, Daniel Keating, David A. Lander, Nathalie Martin, and Sage M. Sigler
(36 Emory Bankruptcy Developments Journal 553 (2020))

Driven to Bankruptcy, Pamela Foohey, Robert M. Lawless, and Deborah Thorne
(55 Wake Forest Law Review 287 (2020))

Chiafalo: Constitutionalizing Historical Gloss in Law and Democratic Politics, Luis Fuentes-Rohwer and Guy-Uriel Charles
(15 Harvard Law and Policy Review 15 (2020))

States Should Quickly Reform Unemployment Insurance, Brian Galle, David Gamage, Erin Scharff, and Darien Shanske
(96 Tax Notes State 635 (2020))

Conformity and State Income Taxes: Suggestions for the Crisis, David Gamage and Michael A. Livingston
(96 Tax Notes State 1353 (2020))

States Should Consider Partial Wealth Tax Reforms, David Gamage and Darien Shanske
(96 Tax Notes State 859 (2020))

Tax Cannibalization by State Corporate Taxes: Revised Estimates, David Gamage and Darien Shanske
(95 Tax Notes State 487 (2020))

The Case for State Borrowing as a Response to the Current Crisis, David Gamage and Darien Shanske
(97 Tax Notes State 1337 (2020))

Judicial Independence: Tweak the Guiding Paradigm, Charles G. Geyh
(104 Judicature 67 (2020))

Do Blockchain Technologies Make Us Safer? Do Cryptocurrencies Necessarily Make Us Less Safe?, Sarah Jane Hughes
(55 Texas International Law Journal 373 (2020))

Intentional Professional Development in Changing Times, Maggie Kiel-Morse
(40 ALL-SIS Newsletter 4 (Fall 2020))

Program Review: Empowering Foreign LLM Students to Learn and Thrive, Maggie Kiel-Morse
(3 PEGA-SIS Newsletter (October 2020 Blog))

Developments in the Laws Affecting Electronic Payments and Financial Services, Tom Kierner, Steve Middlebrook, and Sarah Jane Hughes
(75 Business Lawyer 1695 (2019-2020))

Bhopal in the Federal Courts: How Indian Victims Failed to Get Justice, Jayanth K. Krishnan
(73 Rutgers University Law Review 705 (2020))

International Lawyers as Disrupters of Corruption: Business and Human Rights in Africa’s Most Populous Country—Nigeria, Jayanth K. Krishnan
(18 Northwestern Journal of Human Rights 93 (2020))

Examining the Anomalies, Explaining the Value: Should the USA FREEDOM Act’s Metadata Program be Extended?, Susan Landau and Asaf Lubin
(11 Harvard National Security Journal 308 (2020))

Information Matters in Tax Enforcement, Leandra Lederman and Joseph C. Dugan
(2020 Brigham Young Law Review 145 (2020))

Hacking for Intelligence Collection in the Fight Against Terrorism: Israeli, Comparative, and International Perspectives, Asaf Lubin
(13 HUKIM-The Israeli Journal on Legislation 251 (2020))

The Liberty to Spy, Asaf Lubin
(61 Harvard International Law Journal 185 (2020))

The International Law of Rabble Rousing, Asaf Lubin and Hendrick Townley
(45 Yale Journal of International Law Online 1 (March 2020))

Understanding Illicit Insemination and Fertility Fraud from Patient Experience to Legal Reform, Jody L. Madeira
(39 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 110 (2020))

The Impact of an Interactive E-Learning Platform on Patient Comprehension Regarding Infertility Treatment: A Randomized Clinical Trial, Jody L. Madeira, Ashley K. Barbour, Abigail L. Bernard, Steven R. Lindheim, and Linnea R. Goodman
(114 Fertility and Sterility e25 (September 2020))

Bringing Informed Consent to the 21st Century: The Impact of an Online Resource and Consent Process on Fertility Patient Perceptions, Jody L. Madeira, Abigail L. Bernard, Ashley K. Barbour, Steven R. Lindheim, and Linnea R. Goodman
(114 Fertility and Sterility e48 (September 2020))

Emotional Well-Being During Fertility Treatment: A Randomized Controlled Trial to Evaluate the Use of an Online Learning Platform as a Resource, Jody L. Madeira, Abigail L. Bernard, Ashley K. Barbour, Steven R. Lindheim, and Linnea R. Goodman
(114 Fertility and Sterility e449 (September 2020))

IVF Errors - Is This Only the Tip of the Iceberg?, Jody L. Madeira, Steven R. Lindheim MD, and Mark P. Trolice
(Fertility and Sterility Dialog (January 25, 2020))

Touring the Lilly Library, Kimberly Mattioli
(39 ALL-SIS Newsletter 5 (Winter 2021))

Chiarella v. United States and its Indelible Impact on Insider Trading Law, Donna M. Nagy
(15 Tennessee Journal of Law and Policy 1 (2020))

Dean's Perspective: The Bar Exam: It's Time for Indiana to Adopt a Uniform Bar Exam, Austen L. Parrish
(63 Res Gestae 10 (April 2020))

Doing Unrepresented Status: The Social Construction and Production of Pro Se Persons, Victor D. Quintanilla
(69 DePaul Law Review 543 (2020))

Mindsets in Legal Education, Victor D. Quintanilla and Sam Erman
(69 Journal of Legal Education 412 (2020))

Productive Mindset Interventions Mitigate Psychological Friction and Improve Well-Being for Bar Exam Takers, Victor D. Quintanilla and Sam Erman
(3 Raising the Bar 7 (January 2020))

Safeguard or Barrier: An Empirical Examination of Bar Exam Cut Scores, Victor D. Quintanilla, Sam Erman, and Michael B. Frisby
(70 Journal of Legal Education 126 (2020))

Circumventing Standing to Appeal, Ryan W. Scott
(72 Florida Law Review 741 (2020))

Reforming State Corporate Income Taxes Can Yield Billions, Darien Shanske, Reuven S. Avi-Yonah, and David Gamage
(96 State Tax Notes 1211 (2020))

How the Federal Reserve Should Help States and Localities Right Now, Darien Shanske and David Gamage
(96 Tax Notes State 765 (2020))

Tax Cannibalization by State Corporate Taxes: Policy Implications, Darien Shanske and David Gamage
(95 Tax Notes State 161 (2020))

The Ordinary Diet of the Law: How to Interpret Public Law 86-272, Darien Shanske and David Gamage
(96 Tax Notes State 161 (2020))

Strategic Nonconformity to the TCJA, Part I: Personal Income Taxes, Darien Shanske, Adam Thimmesch, and David Gamage
(97 Tax Notes State 17 (2020))

Why States Should Consider Expanding Sales Taxes to Services, Part 1, Gladriel Shobe, Grace Stephenson Nielsen, Darien Shanske, and David Gamage
(98 Tax Notes State 1349 (2020))

Why States Should Now Consider Expanding Sales Taxes to Services, Part 1, Gladriel Shobe, Grace Stephenson Nielsen, Darien Shanske, and David Gamage
(98 Tax Notes State 1349 (2020))

Blue Lives & the Permanence of Racism, India Thusi
(105 Cornell Law Review Online 14 (2020))

On Beauty and Policing, India Thusi
(114 Northwestern University Law Review 1335 (2020))

Teaching Information Privacy Law, Joseph A. Tomain
(59 Washburn Law Journal 445 (2020))

Communication Breakdown: How Courts Do - and Don't - Respond to Statutory Overrides, Deborah A. Widiss
(104 Judicature 50 (2020))

Le role politique de la Cour supreme, toujours recommence, Elisabeth Zoller
(No. 42 La Semaine Du Droit 1796 (2020))

Les Deux Constitutions de John Marshall : une Relecture de l’arrêt Marbury v. Madison, Elisabeth Zoller
(123 Revue Française de droit Constitutionnel 521 (2020))

Submissions from 2019

Memorializing the Right to Free Speech: Hess v. Indiana and the IU Bicentennial, Ashley A. Ahlbrand
(32 InULA Notes (Dec. 2019) 22)

Comments on Executive Rulemaking and Democratic Legitimacy: "Reform" in the United States and the United Kingdom's Brexit by Susan Rose-Ackerman, Nicholas Almendares
(94 Chicago-Kent Law Review 569 (2019))

Private Government and the Transparency Deficit, Alfred C. Aman and Landyn W. Rookard
(71 Administrative Law Review 437 (2019))

Court Personnel Attitudes Towards Medication-assisted Treatment: A Statewide Survey, Barbara Andraka-Christou, Meghan Gabriel, Jody L. Madeira, and Rod D. Silverman
(104 Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 72 (2019))

New Services for Families in the DC Superior Court, Amy Applegate, Jeannie M. Adams, Connie J. Beck, Amy Holtzworth-Munroe, and Fernanda S. Rossi
(25 Dispute Resolution Magazine 20 (Spring 2019))

Drug-Induced Homicide: Challenges and Strategies in Criminal Defense, Valena Beety, Alex D. Kreit, Anne Boustead, Jeremiah Goulka, and Leo Beletsky
(70 South Carolina Law Review 707)

Evidence on Fire, Valena Beety and Jennifer Oliva
(97 North Carolina Law Review 483)

The Hidden Fences Shaping Resegregation, Jeannine Bell
(54 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 813 (2019))

Brown at 65: How Does the Changing Racial and Ethnic Ancestry of Blacks Impact the Interpretation of School Desegregation, Kevin D. Brown
(11 Alabama Civil Rights & Civil Liberties Review 1 (2019))

Out of Bounds: A Critical Race Theory Perspective on "Pay for Play", Kevin D. Brown and Antonio Williams
(29 Journal of Legal Aspects of Sport 30 (2019))

Public Regulation and Private Enforcement in a Global Economy: Strategies for Managing Conflict, Hannah L. Buxbaum
(399 Recueil des Cours/Collected Courses 267 (2019))

If the Legislature Had Been Serious About Data Privacy..., Fred H. Cate, Christopher Kuner, Orla Lynskey, Christopher Millard, Nora Ni Loideain, and Dan Jerker B. Svantesson
(9 International Data Privacy Law 75 (2019))

Introducing the Global Data Privacy Prize, Fred H. Cate, Christopher Kuner, Orla Lynskey, Christopher Millard, Nora Ni Loideain, and Dan Jerker B. Svantesson
(9 International Data Privacy Law 1 (2019))

Combining the IAD and SES Frameworks, Daniel H. Cole, Graham Epstein, and Michael D. McGinnis
(13 International Journal of the Commons 1 (2019))

Animus and Its Alternatives: Constitutional Principle and Judicial Prudence, Daniel O. Conkle
(48 Stetson Law Review 195 (2019))

Foreword (Public Law), Paul Craig
(2019 Oxford University Undergraduate Law Journal 11)

Keeping Up with New Legal Titles, Susan David deMaine and Susan Azyndar
(111 Law Library Journal 255 (2019))

Keeping Up with New Legal Titles, Susan David deMaine and Susan Azyndar
(111 Law Library Journal 591 (2019))

Keeping Up with New Legal Titles, Susan David deMaine and Susan Azyndar
(111 Law Library Journal 439 (2019))

Digitizing the Indiana Code, Susan David deMaine and Benjamin J. Keele
(26 Newsletter of the Legal History & Rare Books SIS of the American Association of Law Libraries 19 (Fall 2019))

Stepping up Access to the Indiana Code: Partnering for Increased Access and Preservation, Susan David deMaine, Benjamin J. Keele, and Hannah Alcasid

Technologically Distorted Conceptions of Punishment, Jessica M. Eaglin
(97 Washington University Law Review 483 (2019))

Bounding Forward, Robert L. Fischman
(36 Environmental Law Forum 25 (Sept.-Oct. 2019))

Letting Go of Stability: Resilience and Environmental Law, Robert L. Fischman
(94 Indiana Law Journal 689 (2019))

Engineered Credit Default Swaps: Innovative or Manipulative?, Gina-Gail S. Fletcher
(94 New York University Law Review 1073 (2019))

A New Deal for Debtors: Providing Procedural Justice in Consumer Bankruptcy, Pamela Foohey
(60 Boston College Law Review 2297 (2019))

Slouching Toward Universality: A Brief History of Race, Voting, and Political Participation, Luis Fuentes-Rohwer and Guy-Uriel Charles
(62 Howard Law Journal 809 (2019))

Dirty Thinking About Law and Democracy in Rucho v. Common Cause, Luis Fuentes-Rohwer and Guy-Uriel E. Charles
(2018-19 American Constitution Society Supreme Court Review 293 (2019))

The Games They Will Play: Tax Games, Roadblocks, and Glitches Under the 2017 Tax Legislation, David Gamage and David Kamin
(103 Minnesota Law Review 1439 (2019))

On Yang's Proposed Federal Tax on Subnational Tax Incentives, David Gamage and Darien Shanske
(94 State Tax Notes 25 (Oct. 7, 2019))

States Should Conform to GILTI, Part 3: Elevator Pitch and Q & A, David Gamage and Darien Shanske
(94 State Tax Notes 121 (Oct. 14, 2019))