Included in this collection are articles written by Maurer faculty in both our own law journals and in those published by others.

Submissions from 2019

Why States Can Tax the GILTI, David Gamage and Darien Shanske
(91 State Tax Notes 967 (2019))

Why States Should Tax the GILTI, David Gamage and Darien Shanske
(91 State Tax Notes 751 (2019))

Taxing E-Commerce in the Post-Wayfair World, David Gamage, Darien Shanske, and Adam Thimmesch
(58 Washington University Journal of Law & Policy 71 (2019))

Considering Reconsidering Judicial Independence, Charles G. Geyh
(168 University of Pennsylvania Law Review Online 35 (2019))

Judicial Ethics: A New Paradigm for a New Era, Charles G. Geyh
(9 St. Mary's Journal on Legal Malpractice and Ethics 238 (2019))

The Institute for the Future of Law Practice: A New Narrative for Legal Education and the Legal Profession, William D. Henderson
(PD Quarterly 18 (2019))

Conceptualizing the Regulation of Virtual Currencies and Providers: Friction Points in State and Federal Approaches to Regulating Providers of Payments Execution and Custody Services and Products in the United States, Sarah Jane Hughes
(67 Cleveland State Law Review 43 (2019))

"Gatekeepers" Are Vital Participants in Anti-Money-Laundering Laws and Enforcement Regimes as Permission-less Blockchain-Based Transactions Pose Challenges to Current Means to "Follow the Money", Sarah Jane Hughes
(27 George Mason Law Review (Forthcoming 2019))

More Steps Toward Fully Electronic Interbank Check Collection and Return: Amendments to Federal Reserve Board Regulation CC and a Regulatory Resolution of a Circuit Split, Sarah Jane Hughes
(48 Uniform Commercial Code Law Journal 399 (2019))

Property, Agency, and the Blockchain: New Technology, and Longstanding Legal Paradigms, Sarah Jane Hughes
(65 Wayne Law Review 57 (2019))

Developments in the Law Affecting Electronic Payments and Financial Services, Sarah Jane Hughes, Stephen T. Middlebrook, and Tom Kierner
(74 Business Lawyer 267 (2018/19))

Training Post-Millennial IP Lawyers: A Field Guide, Mark D. Janis and Norman J. Hedges
(11 no.3 Landside (February 2019))

Toward Restoring Rule-of-Law Norms, Dawn E. Johnsen
(97 Texas Law Review 1205 (2019))

Societal Pressures and Procreative Preferences for Gay Fathers Successfully Pursuing Parenthood through IVF and Gestational Carriers, Steven R. Lindheim MD, Jody L. Madeira, Artur Ludwin, Emily Kemmer, J. Preston Parry, Georges Sylvestre, and Guido Pennings
(9 Reproductive BioMedicine and Society Online 1 (2019))

A Secret Weapon?: Applying Privacy Doctrine to the Second Amendment, Jody L. Madeira
(46 Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly 555 (2019))

Uncommon Misconceptions: Holding Physicians Accountable for Insemination Fraud, Jody L. Madeira
(37 Law & Inequality 45 (2019))

Foreign Nations, Constitutional Rights, and International Law, Austen L. Parrish
(88 Fordham Law Review Online 88 (2019))

Indiana University's storied past, Austen L. Parrish
(63 Res Gestae 19 (October 2019))

Personal Jurisdiction: The Transnational Difference, Austen L. Parrish
(59 Virginia Journal of International Law 97 (2019))

Dignity and Social Meaning: Obergefell, Windsor, and Lawrence as Constitutional Dialogue, Steve Sanders
(87 Fordham Law Review 2069 (2019))

The Cultural Politics of Dan Quayle and Mike Pence, Steve Sanders
(52 Indiana Law Review 69 (2019))

Will States Step Up in 2020? We Hope So, Darien Shanske and David Gamage
(94 Tax Notes State 977 (2019))

Harm, Sex, and Consequences, India Thusi
(2019 Utah Law Review 159 (2019))

The Persecution of Stones: War Crimes, Law's Autonomy and the Co-optation of Cultural Heritage, Timothy W. Waters
(20 Chicago Journal of International Law 62 (2019))

ABA RPTE Conservation Easement Task Force Report: Recommendations Regarding Conservation Easements and Federal Tax Law, W. William Weeks
(53 Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Journal 245 (2019))

Submissions from 2018

The False Allure of Settlement Pressure, Nicholas Almendares
(50 Loyola University Chicago Law Journal 271 (2018))

Dead Canaries in the Coal Mines: The Symbolic Assailant Revisited, Jeannine Bell
(34 Georgia State University Law Review 513 (2018))

Evolution of the Racial Identity of Children of Loving: Has Our Thinking about Race and Racial Issues Become Obsolete?, Kevin D. Brown
(86 Fordham Law Review 2773 (2018))

The Interpretation and Effect of Permissive Forum Selection Clauses Under U.S. Law, Hannah L. Buxbaum
(66 American Journal of Comparative Law. Suppl. 127 (2018))

An Unstoppable Force and an Immoveable Object? EU Data Protection Law and National Security, Fred H. Cate, Christopher Kuner, Orla Lynskey, Christopher Millard, Nora Ni Loideain, and Dan Jerker B. Svantesson
(8 International Data Privacy Law 1 (2018))

Blockchain versus Data Protection, Fred H. Cate, Christopher Kuner, Orla Lynskey, Christopher Millard, Nora Ni Loideain, and Dan Jerker B. Svantesson
(8 International Data Privacy Law 103 (2018))

Expanding the Artificial Intelligence-Data Protection Debate, Fred H. Cate, Christopher Kuner, Orla Lynskey, Christopher Millard, Nora Ni Loideain, and Dan Jerker B. Svantesson
(8 International Data Privacy Law 289 (2018))

The EU, Democracy and Institutional Structure: Past, Present and Future, Paul Craig
(2018 no. 4 Revista Romana de Drept European 23)

Access to the Justices’ Papers: A Better Balance, Susan deMaine
(110 Law Library Journal 185 (2018))

Book Review of Finding Answers to Legal Questions, Second Edition, Susan David deMaine
(110 Law Library Journal 555 (2018))

Cybersecurity and the New Era of Space Activities, David P. Fidler
(Digital and Cyberspace Policy Program, April 2018)

Empirical Environmental Scholarship, Robert L. Fischman and Lydia Barbash-Riley
(44 Ecology Law Quarterly 767 (2018))

State Imperiled Species Legislation, Robert L. Fischman, Vicky J. Meretsky, Willem Drews, Katlin Stephani, and Jennifer Teson
(48 Environmental Law 81 (2018))

Legitimate Yet Manipulative: The Conundrum of Open-Market Manipulation, Gina-Gail S. Fletcher
(68 Duke Law Journal 479 (2018))

Access to Consumer Bankruptcy, Pamela Foohey
(34 Emory Bankruptcy Developments Journal 341 (2018))

Jevic's Promise: Procedural Justice in Chapter 11, Pamela Foohey
(93 Washington Law Review Online 128 (2018))

Life in the Sweatbox, Pamela Foohey, Robert M. Lawless, Katherine Porter, and Deborah Thorne
(94 Notre Dame Law Review)

Taking Judicial Legitimacy Seriously, Luis Fuentes-Rohwer
(93 Chicago-Kent Law Review 505 (2018))

Judicial Intervention As Judicial Restraint, Luis Fuentes-Rohwer and Guy-Uriel E. Charles
(131 Harvard Law Review 236 (2018))

Race and Representation Revisited: The New Racial Gerrymandering Cases and Section 2 of the VRA, Luis Fuentes-Rohwer and Guy-Uriel E. Charles
(59 William & Mary Law Review 1559 (2018))

Charitable Contributions in Lieu of SALT Deductions, David Gamage
(87 State Tax Notes 973 (2018))

Caveat IRS: Problems with Abandoning the Full Deduction Rule, David Gamage, Joseph Bankman, Jacob Goldin, Daniel J. Hemel, Darien Shanske, Kirk J. Stark, Dennis J. Ventry Jr., and Manoj Viswanathan
(88 State Tax Notes 547 (2018))

State Responses to Federal Tax Reform: Charitable Tax Credits, David Gamage, Joseph Bankman, Jacob Goldin, Daniel Hemel, Darien Shanske, Kirk J. Stark, Dennis J. Ventry Jr., and Manoj Viswanathan
(87 State Tax Notes 433 (2018))

The Future of SALT: A Broader Picture, David Gamage and Darien Shanske
(88 State Tax Notes 1275 (2018))

Why (and How) States Should Tax the Repatriation, David Gamage and Darien Shanske
(88 State Tax Notes 317 (2018))

Wayfair: Substantial Nexus and Undue Burden, David Gamage, Darien Shanske, and Adam Thimmesch
(89 State Tax Notes 447 (2018))

Wayfair and the Retroactivity of Constitutional Holdings, David Gamage, Adam Thimmesch, and Darien Shanske
(88 State Tax Notes 511 (2018))

Wayfair: Marketplaces and Foreign Vendors, David Gamage, Adam Thimmesch, and Darien Shanske
(90 State Tax Notes 18 (2018))

Wayfair: Sales Tax Formalism and Income Tax Nexus, David Gamage, Adam Thimmesch, and Darien Shanske
(89 State Tax Notes 975 (2018))

Judicial Selection and the Search for Middle Ground, Charles G. Geyh
(67 DePaul Law Review 333 (2018))

Innovation Diffusion in the Legal Industry, William D. Henderson
(122 Dickinson Law Review 395 (2018))

Well-Timed Solutions for Legal Education and the Bar, William D. Henderson
(44 Law Practice 56 (July/Aug. 2018))

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: Developments in the Law Affecting Electronic Payments and Financial Services, Sarah Jane Hughes, Stephen T. Middlebrook, and Tom Kierner
(73 Business Lawyer 277 (2017/18))

How Should Damages Be Calculated for Design Patent Infringement?, Mark D. Janis
(37 Review of Litigation 241 (2018))

Foreword, Dawn Johnsen
(93 Indiana Law Journal 1 (2018))

The Constitutionality of a National Wealth Tax, Dawn Johnsen and Walter Dellinger
(93 Indiana Law Journal 111 (2018))

Legal Activism in the Face of Political Challenges: The Nigerian Case, Jayanth K. Krishnan and Kunle Ajagbe
(42 Journal of the Legal Profession 197 (2018))

Does Enforcement Reduce Voluntary Tax Compliance?, Leandra Lederman
(2018 Brigham Young University Law Review 623)

Increasing Transparency in the US Tax Court, Leandra Lederman
(Law 360 (Dec. 4, 2018))

The Dragon-Kings’ Restraint: Proposing a Compromise for the EEZ Surveillance Conundrum, Asaf Lubin
(57 Washburn Law Journal 17 (2018))

"We Only Spy on Foreigners": The Myth of a Universal Right to Privacy and the Practice of Foreign Mass Surveillance, Asaf Lubin
(18 Chicago Journal of International Law 502 (2018))

Legal Principles and Seminal Legal Cases in Oocyte Donation, Jody L. Madeira and Susan L. Crockin
(110 Fertility and Sterility 1209 (December 2018))

Against Seminal Principles: Ethics, Hubris, and Lessons to Learn from Illicit Inseminations, Jody L. Madeira, Steven R. Lindheim MD, and Mark V. Sauer MD
(110 Fertility and Sterility 1003 (Nov. 2018).)

Using the EngagedMD Multimedia Platform to Improve Informed Consent for Ovulation Induction, Intrauterine Insemination, and In Vitro Fertilization, Jody L. Madeira, Jennifer Rehbein, Mindy S. Christianson, Miryoung Lee, J. Preston Parry, Guido Pennings, and Steven R. Lindheim MD
(110 Fertility and Sterility 1338 (December 2018))

Access to Print, Access to Justice, Kimberly Mattioli
(110 Law Library Journal 31 (2018))

Reaching and Teaching Millennials: Designing the Future of Student Services, Kimberly Mattioli, Brian Detweiler, and Mike Martinez Jr.
(18 Legal Information Management 219 (2018))

Autonomy in the Age of Autonomous Vehicles, Michael Mattioli
(24 Boston University Journal of Science and Technology Law 277 (2018))

Patent Pool Outsiders, Michael Mattioli
(33 Berkeley Technology Law Journal 233 (2018))

Securing the Internet of Healthcare, Michael Mattioli, Scott J. Shackelford, Steve Myers, Austin Brady, Yvette Wang, and Stephanie Wong
(19 Minnesota Journal of Law, Science & Technology 405 (2018))

The Statutory Authority for Court-Ordered Disgorgement in SEC Enforcement Actions, Donna M. Nagy
(71 SMU Law Review 895 (2018))

Business & Human Rights: Optimism and Concern from the U.S. Perspective, Christiana Ochoa
(8 Law and Business Research 3 (2018))

Debunked, Discredited, but Still Defended: Why Prosecutors Resist Challenges to Bad Science and Some Suggestions for Crafting Remedies for Wrongful Conviction Based on Changed Science, Aviva A. Orenstein
(48 Seton Hall Law Review 1139 (2018))

The Ethical Practice of Human-Centered Civil Justice Design, Victor D. Quintanilla and Haley Hinkle
(32 Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy)

Human-Centered Civil Justice Design: Procedural Justice and Process Value Pluralism, Victor D. Quintanilla and Michael A. Yontz
(54 Tulsa Law Review 113 (2018))

The New Writs of Assistance, Ian Samuel
(86 Fordham Law Review 2873 (2018))

Religious Arguments, Religious Purposes, and the Gay and Lesbian Rights Cases, Steve Sanders
(17 First Amendment Law Review 237 (2018/19))

Radical Feminist Harms on Sex Workers, India Thusi
(22 Lewis & Clark Law Review 185 (2018))

Climate Change Challenges for Land Conservation: Rethinking Conservation Easements, Strategies, and Tools, W. William Weeks, Jessica Owley, Federico Cheever, Adena R. Rissman, M. Rebecca Shaw, and Barton H. Thompson
(95 Denver Law Review 727 (2018))

Federalism and Gender Equality, Susan H. Williams
(46 Federal Law Review 491 (2018))

French Constitutionalism, Elisabeth Zoller
(Henri Capitant Law Review (Special issue, 2018))

La Méthode Comparative en Droit Public, Elisabeth Zoller
(Published in Le Droit á l’Épreuve des Siécles et des Frontiéres: Mélanges en l’Honneur du Professeur Bertrand Ancel. Paris/Madrid: IPROLEX, 2018.)

Submissions from 2017

Thinking on Your Feet: Reflections of a First-Time Online Instructor, Ashley A. Ahlbrand
(25 Perspectives: Teaching Legal Research and Writing 114 (2017))

Unequal Opportunities: Education Pathways to the U.S. Judiciary, Alfred C. Aman
(Conference on the Judiciary in Territorially and Culturally Compound Systems: Organization and Functions, Trento, May 7-8, 2015)

The Human Side of Public-Private Partnerships: From New Deal Regulation to Administrative Law Management, Alfred C. Aman and Joseph C. Dugan
(102 Iowa Law Review 883 (2017))

Changing the Culture of Disclosure and Forensics, Valena Beety
(73 Washington & Lee Law Review Online 580)

CEO Side Payments in Mergers and Acquisitions, Brian J. Broughman
(2017 Brigham Young University Law Review 67)

Benefiting From Breaking the Color Barrier: Tribute to Professor Richardson for Being the Pioneer at Indiana University Maurer School of Law, Kevin D. Brown
(31 Temple International and Comparative Law Journal 371 (2017))

End of the Racial Age: Reflections on the Changing Racial and Ethnic Ancestry of Blacks on Affirmative Action, Kevin D. Brown
(22 Texas Journal on Civil Liberties & Civil Rights 139 (2017))

The Enduring Integration School Desegregation Helped to Produce, Kevin D. Brown
(67 Case Western Reserve Law Review 1055 (2017))

Determining the Territorial Scope of State Law in Interstate and International Conflicts: Comments on the Draft Restatement (Third) and on the Role of Party Autonomy, Hannah L. Buxbaum
(27 Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law 381 (2017))

Transnational Legal Ordering and Regulatory Conflict: Lessons From the Regulation of Cross-Border Derivatives, Hannah L. Buxbaum
(1 UC Irvine Journal of International, Transnational, and Comparative Law 91 (2017))

Data Protection and Humanitarian Emergencies, Fred H. Cate, Christopher Kuner, Dan Jerker B. Svantesson, Orla Lynskey, and Christopher Millard
(7 International Data Privacy Law 147 (2017))

Machine Learning with Personal Data: Is Data Protection Law Smart Enough to Meet the Challenge?, Fred H. Cate, Christopher Kuner, Dan Jerker B. Svantesson, Orla Lynskey, and Christopher Millard
(7 International Data Privacy Law 1 (2017))

The Rise of Cybersecurity and Its Impact on Data Protection, Fred H. Cate, Christopher Kuner, Dan Jerker B. Svantesson, Orla Lynskey, and Christopher Millard
(7 International Data Privacy Law 73 (2017))

The GDPR as a Chance to Break Down Borders, Fred H. Cate, Christopher Kuner, Dan Jerker B. Svantesson, Orla Lynskey, and Nora Ni Loideain
(7 International Data Privacy Law 231 (2017))