Included in this collection are articles written by Maurer faculty in both our own law journals and in those published by others.

Submissions from 2015

Police Violence and Ferguson: (En)Racing Criminal Procedure, Jeannine Bell
(65 Journal of Legal Education 306 (2015))

There Are No Racists Here: The Rise of Racial Extremism, When No One Is Racist, Jeannine Bell
(20 Michigan Journal of Race and Law 349 (2015))

Delaware's Familiarity, Brian J. Broughman and Darian M. Ibrahim
(52 San Diego Law Review 273 (2015))

LSAC Data Reveals That Black/White Multiracials Outscore All Blacks on LSAT by Wide Margins, Kevin D. Brown
(39 N.Y.U. Review of Law & Social Change 381 (2015))

The Viability of Enterprise Jurisdiction: A Case Study of the Big Four Accounting Firms, Hannah L. Buxbaum
(48 U.C. Davis Law Review 1769 (2015))

Internet Balkanization Gathers Pace: Is Privacy the Real Driver?, Fred H. Cate, Christopher Kuner, Christopher Millard, Dan Jerker B. Svantesson, and Orla Lynskey
(5 International Data Privacy Law 1 (2015))

Risk Management in Data Protection, Fred H. Cate, Christopher Kuner, Christopher Millard, Dan Jerker B. Svantesson, and Orla Lynskey
(5 International Data Privacy Law 95 (2015))

The Data Protection Credibility Crisis, Fred H. Cate, Christopher Kuner, Christopher Millard, Dan Jerker B. Svantesson, and Orla Lynskey
(5 International Data Privacy Law 161 (2015))

Advantages of a Polycentric Approach to Climate Change Policy, Daniel H. Cole
(5 Nature Climate Change 114 (2015))

"Economic Property Rights" as "Nonsense upon Stilts": A Comment on Hodgson, Daniel H. Cole
(11 Journal of Institutional Economics 725 (2015))

The Problem of Shared Irresponsibility in International Climate Law, Daniel H. Cole

Labor Law 2.0: The Impact of New Information Technology on the Employment Relationship and the Relevance of the NLRA, Kenneth G. Dau-Schmidt
(64 Emory Law Journal 1583 (2015))

Widening the Aperture on Fourth Amendment Interests: A Comment on Orin Kerr's The Fourth Amendment and the Global Internet, David G. Delaney
(68 Stanford Law Review Online 9 (2015))

Review of Covering the United States Supreme Court in the Digital Age, Susan David deMaine
(107 Law Library Journal 446 (2015).)

Improving Economic Sanctions in the States, Jessica M. Eaglin
(99 Minnesota Law Review 1837 (2015))

Reducing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Jails: Recommendations for Local Practice, Jessica M. Eaglin and Danyelle Solomon

Big Data, Bigger Dilemmas: A Critical Review, Hamid Ekbia, Michael Mattioli, Inna Koupe, G. Arave, Ali Ghazinejad, Timothy Bowman, Venkatq R. Suri, Tsou Andrew, Scott Weingart, and Cassidy R. Sugimoto
(66 Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology 1523 (2015))

Countering Islamic State Exploitation of the Internet, David P. Fidler
(Digital and Cyberspace Policy Program, June 2015)

Cyber War Crimes: Islamic State Atrocity Videos and the Laws of War, David P. Fidler
(16 Computer Law Review International 161 (2015))

Epic Failure of Ebola and Global Health Security, David P. Fidler
(21 Brown Journal of World Affairs 179 (Spr/Sum 2015))

Hacking the Wealth of Nations: Managing Markets Amid Malware, David P. Fidler
(14 Turkish Policy Quarterly 43 (Summer 2015))

Whither the Web?: International Law, Cybersecurity, and Critical Infrastructure Protection, David P. Fidler
(16 Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 8 (2015 Special Issue))

Lessons from Pollution Control: Response to Heller and Hobbs 2014, Robert L. Fischman and James Salzman
(29 Conservation Biology 950 (2015))

Secured Credit in Religious Institutions' Reorganizations, Pamela Foohey
(2015 University of Illinois Law Review Slip Opinions 1)

When Faith Falls Short: Bankruptcy Decisions of Churches, Pamela Foohey
(76 Ohio State Law Journal 1319 (2015))

The Racial Evolution of Justice Kennedy and Its Implications for Law, Theory, and the End of the Second Reconstruction, Luis Fuentes-Rohwer
(2015 Michigan State Law Review 1473)

Foreword: Reflections on Our Founding, Luis Fuentes-Rohwer and Guy-Uriel Charles
(20 Michigan Journal of Race & Law 245 (2015))

Race, Federalism, and Voting Rights, Luis Fuentes-Rohwer and Guy-Uriel Charles
(2015 University of Chicago Legal Forum 113)

The Voting Rights Act in Winter: The Death of a Superstatute, Luis Fuentes-Rohwer and Guy-Uriel Charles
(100 Iowa Law Review 1389 (2015))

Habermas, The Public Sphere, and the Creation of a Racial Counterpublic, Luis Fuentes-Rohwer and Guy-Uriel E. Charles
(21 Michigan Journal of Rae & Law 1 (2015))

Reynolds Reconsidered, Luis Fuentes-Rohwer and Guy-Uriel E. Charles
(67 Alabama Law Review 485 (2015))

Foreword--King v. Burwell Symposium: Comments on the Commentaries (and on Some Elephants in the Room), David Gamage
(2015 Pepperdine Law Review 1)

Prompt on the King v. Burwell Case, David Gamage
(6 Columbia Journal of Tax Law, Tax Matters (2015))

The Case for Taxing (All of) Labor Income, Consumption, Capital Income, and Wealth, David Gamage
(68 Tax Law Review 355 (2015))

Preventing Government Shutdowns: Designing Default Rules for Budgets, David Gamage and David Scott Louk
(86 Colorado Law Review 181 (2015))

The Implications of CSX and DMA, David Gamage and Darien Shanske
(76 State Tax Notes 445 (2015))

Using Taxes to Improve Cap and Trade, Part I: Distribution, David Gamage and Darien Shanske
(75 State Tax Notes 99 (2015))

The Jekyll and Hyde of First Amendment Limits on the Regulation of Judicial Campaign Speech, Charles G. Geyh
(68 Vanderbilt Law Review En Banc 83 (2015))

The State of Recusal Reform, Charles G. Geyh, Myles Lynk, Robert S. Peck, and Toni Clarke
(18 New York University Journal of Legislation and Public Policy)

Rubin v. Islamic Republic of Iran, 1997-2015, Gabrielle Goodwin
(6 Art & Cultural Heritage Law Newsletter 1 (Spring 2015))

What the Jobs Are: New Tech, New Client Needs Create a New Field of Legal Operations, William D. Henderson
(101 ABA Journal 36 (Oct. 2015))

Advancing a Framework for Regulating Cryptocurrency Payments Intermediaries, Sarah Jane Hughes and Stephen T. Middlebrook
(32 Yale Journal on Regulation 495 (2015))

Are These Game Changers? Developments in the Law Affecting Virtual Currencies, Prepaid Payroll Cards, Online Tribal Lending, and Payday Lenders, Sarah Jane Hughes and Stephen T. Middlebrook
(70 Business Lawyer 261 (2014/15))

Twilight in Afghanistan: An Introduction, Feisal Amin Istrabadi and Sumit Ganguly
(55 Asian Survey 235 (2015))

Expressive Eligibility, Mark D. Janis and Timothy R. Holbrook
(5 UC Irvine Law Review 973 (2015))

Patent-Eligible Processes: An Audience Perspective, Mark D. Janis and Timothy R. Holbrook
(17 Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment and Technology Law 349 (2015))

Respecting Intent and Dispelling Stereotypes by Reducing Unintended Pregnancy, Dawn E. Johnsen
(43 Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 341 (2015))

State Court Protection of Reproductive Rights: The Past, the Perils, and the Promise, Dawn E. Johnsen
(29 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 41 (2015))

The Aspiring and Globalizing Graduate Law Student: A Comment on the Lazarus-Black and Globokar LL.M. Study, Jayanth K. Krishnan and Vitor M. Dias
(22 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 81 (2015))

When the Bough Breaks: The U.S. Tax Court's Branch Difficulties, Leandra Lederman
(34 ABA Section of Taxation Newsquarterly 10 (Winter 2015))

King v. Burwell: What Does It Portend for Chevron's Domain?, Leandra Lederman and Joseph C. Dugan
(2015 Pepperdine Law Review 72)

Technology and the Law on the Use of Force: New Security Challenges in the Twenty-First Century, by Jackson Maogoto, Asaf Lubin
(40 Yale Journal of International Law 441 (2015))

Conceiving of Products and the Products of Conception: Reflections on Commodification, Consumption, ART, and Abortion, Jody L. Madeira
(43 Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 293 (2015))

The ART of Informed Consent: Assessing Patient Perceptions, Behaviors, and Lived Experience of IVF and Embryo Disposition Informed Consent Processes, Jody L. Madeira
(49 Family Law Quarterly 7 (2015))

The Role of Agency: Compensated Surrogacy and the Institutionalization of Assisted Reproduction Practices, Jody L. Madeira and June Cabone
(90 Washington Law Review Online 7 (2015))

Book Review. Balancing Privacy and Free Speech: Unwanted Attention in the Age of Social Media by Mark Tunick, Kimberly Mattioli
(107 Law Library Journal 596 (2015))

Creative Assessment: Connecting Legal Research Training and Instruction to Results (Review of AALL Program), Kimberly Mattioli
(35 ALL-SIS Newsletter 20 (Fall 2015))

Book Review. Reviving Fiscal Citizenship, Ajay K. Mehrotra
(113 Michigan Law Review 943 (2015))

Indiana's Government Information Day Focuses on Change, Access & Continuity, Jennifer Morgan and Sally Holterhoff
(36 Jurisdocs vi (Summer 2015))

The Costs of Mandatory Cost-Benefit Analysis in SEC Rulemaking, Donna M. Nagy
(57 Arizona Law Review 129 (2015))

Forfeiture of Confrontation Rights and the Complicated Dynamics of Domestic Violence: Some Thoughts Inspired by Myrna Raeder, Aviva A. Orenstein
(44 Southwestern Law Review 466 (2015))

The Seductive Power of Patriarchal Stories, Aviva A. Orenstein
(58 Howard Law Journal 411 (2015))

From Thinking Like a Lawyer to Acting Like a Lawyer: Externships Provide Invaluable Experience, Austen L. Parrish
(59 Res Gestae 26 (Sept. 2015))

Taboo Procedural Tradeoffs: Examining How the Public Experiences Tradeoffs Between Procedural Justice and Cost, Victor D. Quintanilla
(15 Nevada Law Journal 882 (2015))

Foreword, Steve Sanders
(91 Indiana Law Journal 1 (2015))

Policing Sex: the Colonial, Apartheid, and New Democracy Policing of Sex Work in South Africa, India Thusi
(38 Fordham International Law Journal 205 (2015))

Clearing the Path: The Perils of Positing Civil Society in Conflict and Transition, Timothy W. Waters
(transitional justice, peace, civil society, Israel, Palestine)

Taking the Measure of Nations: Testing the Global Norm of Territorial Integrity, Timothy W. Waters
(33 Wisconsin International Law Journal 563 (2015))

Griggs at Midlife, Deborah A. Widiss
(113 Michigan Law Review 993 (2015) (book review))

Making Sausage: What, Why and How to Teach about Legislative Process in a Legislation or Leg-Reg Course, Deborah A. Widiss
(65 Journal of Legal Education 96 (2015))

Non-Marital Families and (Or After?) Marriage Equality, Deborah A. Widiss
(42 Florida State University Law Review 547 (2015))

Practical Tips for Interpreting Statutory Overrides, Deborah A. Widiss
(71 Advocate 18 (Summer 2015))

Still Kickin’ After All These Years: Sutton and Toyota as Shadow Precedents, Deborah A. Widiss
(63 Drake Law Review 919 (2015))

A Marriage By Any Other Name: Why Civil Unions Should Receive Federal Recognition, Deborah A. Widiss and Andrew Koppelman

Comment le Droit des Gens Cessa d’Être un Droit Politique: Le Droit International de John Marshall, Elisabeth Zoller

Submissions from 2014

Tweeted Out: Management Tools to Prevent Social Media from Monopolizing Your Time, Ashley A. Ahlbrand
(18 AALL Spectrum 14 (Mar. 2014))

Tribute to Randall Shepard, Kevin D. Brown
(48 Valparaiso University Law Review 585 (2014))

Systematic Government Access to Private-Sector Data Redux, Fred H. Cate, Christopher Kuner, Christopher Millard, and Dan Jerker B. Svantesson
(4 International Data Privacy Law 1 (2014))

Taking Stock After Four Years, Fred H. Cate, Christopher Kuner, Christopher Millard, and Dan Jerker B. Svantesson
(4 International Data Privacy Law 87 (2014))

The (Data Privacy) Law Hasn't Even Checked in When Technology Takes Off, Fred H. Cate, Christopher Kuner, Christopher Millard, and Dan Jerker B. Svantesson
(4 International Data Privacy Law 175 (2014))

When Two Worlds Collide: The Interface Between Competition Law and Data Protection, Fred H. Cate, Christopher Kuner, Christopher Millard, Dan Jerker B. Svantesson, and Orla Lynskey
(4 International Data Privacy Law 247 (2014))

Learning from Lin: Lessons and Cautions from the Natural Commons for the Knowledge Commons, Daniel H. Cole
(Taken from GOVERNING KNOWLEDGE COMMONS (Brett M. Frishmann, Michael J. Madison, Katherine J. Strandburg (eds.). Oxford University Press, 2014.)

Digging Deeper into Hardin's Pasture: The Complex Institutional Structure of "The Tragedy of the Commons", Daniel H. Cole, Graham Epstein, and Michael D. McGinnis
(10 Journal of Institutional Economics 353 (2014))

Evolving Values, Animus, and Same-Sex Marriage, Daniel O. Conkle
(89 Indiana Law Journal 27 (2014))

Pringle and the Nature of Legal Reasoning, Paul Craig
(21 Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 205 (2014))

Use of EU Institutions Outside the EU Legal Framework: Foundations, Procedure and Substance, Paul Craig
(2014 no. 4 Revista Romana de Drept European 105)

Undermining or Promoting Democratic Government?: An Economic and Empirical Analysis of the Two Views of Public Sector Collective Bargaining in American Law, Kenneth G. Dau-Schmidt and Mohammad Khan
(14 Nevada Law Journal 414 (2014))

Cybersecurity and the Administrative National Security State: Framing the Issues for Federal Legislation, David G. Delaney
(40 Journal of Legislation 251 (2014))

From Disability to Usability in Online Instruction, Susan David deMaine
(106 Law Library Journal 531 (2014))

Learning Leadership, Susan David deMaine
(26 INULA Notes 4 (Spring 2014))

The 2014 Leadership Academy: Six Months Out - How are Participants Using what they Learned?, Susan David deMaine
(19 AALL Spectrum 19 (November 2014))

Health Policy and the Syrian Chemical Weapons Crisis, David P. Fidler
(15 Harvard Health Policy Review 17 (Spring 2014))

Le cyberspace, c'est moi?: Authoritarian Leaders, the Internet, and International Politics, David P. Fidler
(15 Seton Hall Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations 7 (2014))

Learning from Conservation Planning for the U.S. National Wildlife Refuges, Robert L. Fischman and Vicky J. Meretsky
(28 Conservation Biology 1415 (2014))

Planning for Adaptation to Climate Change: Lessons from the US National Wildlife Refuge System, Robert L. Fischman, Vicky J. Meretsky, Alexei Babko, Michael Kennedy, Lei Liu, and Michelle Robinson
(64 BioScience 993 (2014))

Hazardous Hedging: The (Unacknowledged) Risks of Hedging with Credit Derivatives, Gina-Gail S. Fletcher
(33 Review of Banking and Financial Law 813 (2013-2014))

When Churches Reorganize, Pamela Foohey
(88 American Bankruptcy Law Journal 277 (2014))

State's Rights, Last Rites, and Voting Rights, Luis Fuentes-Rohwer and Guy-Uriel Charles
(47 Connecticut Law Review 481 (2014))

Voting Rights Law and Policy in Transition, Luis Fuentes-Rohwer and Guy-Uriel E. Charles
(127 Harvard Law Review Forum 243 (2014))

A Way Forward for Tax Law and Economics? A Response to Osofsky's "Frictions, Screening, and Tax Law Design", David Gamage
(61 Buffalo Law Review 189 (2014))