Content Posted in 2023
2022 Recognition Ceremony Program
2023 Academy of Law Alumni Fellows Induction Ceremony Program, Maurer School of Law - Indiana University
Accessing Justice with Zoom: Experiences and Outcomes in Online Civil Courts, Victor D. Quintanilla, Kurt Hugenberg, Ryan Hutchings, and Nedim Yel
Accommodating Disabilities in the Post-COVID-19 Workplace, Barbara Hoffman
Administrative Law, 4th, Alfred C. Aman Jr., Landyn Wm. Rookard, and William T. Mayton
A Hot Spit-Take: Why the Supreme Court Will Hold That There Is No Privacy Interest in Commercial DNA Data, Mounir Jamal
A Newfound Power: How the Ohio Supreme Court Should Approach the Next Partisan Gerrymander, Bradley Davis
Announcing New Faculty Chairs, Professorships, and Fellowships, James Owsley Boyd
Annual Report of the Jerome Hall Law Library, 2021/22, Susan deMaine
An Old Illness: How the United States Uses Racist and Xenophobic Ideas About Disease to Exclude Haitian Migrants During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Emily McConnville
Anti-Semitism and The Overlooked Benefits of Allowing “Hate Speech”, Michael Conklin
Artificial Intelligence in Government: Risks and Challenges of Algorithmic Governance in the Administrative State, Jose Vida Fernandez
a short & happy guide to The Rule: The Little Book on Perpetuities, 2d., Donald H. Gjerdingen
Asian American Allyship, Victor C. Romero
Avoiding Scandals Through Tax Rulings Transparency, Leandra Lederman
Billboard Names Robert Meitus a Top Music Lawyer, James Owsley Boyd
Blockchain and the Right to Good Administration: Adding Blocks to or Blocking of the Globalization of Good Administration?, Migle Laukyte
Brown at 65: How Does the Changing Racial and Ethnic Ancestry of Blacks Impact the Interpretation of School Desegregation, Kevin D. Brown
Build a Career That Aligns With Your Passions, Ashley A. Ahlbrand
Center for Constitutional Democracy welcomes two new board members, James Owsley Boyd
"Chemicals as Regulatory Targets", John S. Applegate
Class of 2021 Alumna Earns National Legal Writing Award, James Owsley Boyd
Class of 2023, Indiana University Maurer School of Law
Class of 2023, Indiana University Maurer School of Law Graduate Legal Studies
Clifford Awarded Ostrom Fellowship, James Owsley Boyd
Climate Security Insights from the COVID-19 Response, Mark Nevitt
Collective Data Rights and Their Possible Abuse, Asaf Lubin
Committee Chaired by Maurer Professor to Complete its Analytical Review of Hanford Nuclear Reservation Waste Options, James Owsley Boyd
"Criminalizing Sexual Identities: Queer, Female, and Wrongfully Convicted", Valena Beety
Criminogenic Risks of Interrogation, Margareth Etienne and Richard McAdams
"Current Developments in Trademark Law", Marshall Leaffer
Cyber Plungers: Colonial Pipeline and the Case for an Omnibus Cybersecurity Legislation, Asaf Lubin
Deals in the Heartland: Renewable Energy Projects, Local Resistance, and How Law Can Help, Christiana Ochoa
Dean's Desk: Recognizing IU Maurer alumnae who have made a difference, Christiana Ochoa
"Digital Inequalities and Access to Justice: Dialing into Zoom Court Unrepresented", Victor D. Quintanilla, Kurt Hugenberg, Margaret Hagan, Amy Gonzales, Ryan Hutchings, and Nedim Yel
Direct to Consumer or Direct to All: Home DNA Tests and Lack of Privacy Regulations in the United States, Karen J. Kukla
Domestic Emergency Pretexts, Amy L. Stein
E-Commerce in Saudi Arabia: an Analysis of the Law and Practical Challenges for Businesses and Consumers, Sultan Abdulhadi Alqahtani
Encouraging Public Access to Pharmaceuticals Through Modified Protection of Clinical Trial Data, Scott M. Nolan II
"Erotic Services Provider Legal Education and Research Project v. Gascon: Judgment", India Thusi
Evaluating Copyright Protection in the Data-Driven Era: Centering on Motion Picture's Past and Future, Chieh-Li Pai
Facts Versus Discretion: The Debate Over Immigration Adjudication, Jayanth K. Krishnan
Fair’s Fair: How Public Benefit Considerations in the Fair Use Doctrine Can Patch Bias in Artificial Intelligence Systems, Patrick K. Lin
Fair Use Failing the First Amendment? How the Parody and Satire Dichotomy May be Stunting Political Discourse, Megan L. Wheeler
Fair Warnings from OFAC’s Settlements with Cryptocurrency Service Providers: Compliance Should Include Lifetime-of-the-Relationship, In-Process Geolocational Checks, Sarah Jane Hughes
Fischman Serves as Witness in Endangered Species Act Hearing, James Owsley Boyd
Five Indiana Law Faculty Members Honored with Teaching Awards, James Owsley Boyd
Foreign Judgments and Foreign Arbitral Awards Enforceability as a Factor and a Guarantee for Foreign Investments: the Case of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed Rashed Mohammed Arhama Alshamsi
Foreword: 2022 Law vs. Antisemitism Symposium, Diane Kemker
Former Colombian constitutional judge and UT-Austin professor join CCD board, James Owsley Boyd
Four Indiana Law Graduates to be Inducted into the Academy of Law Alumni Fellows, James Owsley Boyd
Four Maurer School of Law Students Selected as 2023 Stevens Fellows, James Owsley Boyd
Four pathbreaking women judges to participate in IU conference and public discussion Monday, Sept. 25, James Owsley Boyd
Four Perspectives on a Sustainable Future in Nosara, Costa Rica, Greg Munno, Álvaro Salas Castro, Tina Nabatchi, and Christian M. Freitag
Frivolous Floodgate Fears, Blair Druhan Bullock
Government by Algorithms at the Light of Freedom of Information Regimes: A Case-by-Case Approach on ADM Systems within Public Education Sector, María Estrella Gutierrez
Guilty of Probable Cause: Public Arrest Records and Dignity in the Information Age, Nicholas Thompson
Incombustible Ideas: Evaluating the Impact of Federal Court Opinions Regarding Book Banning in Public-School Libraries, Noah T. Holloway
Indiana Law Faculty Member’s Book Honored with IPPY, Other Awards, James Owsley Boyd
Indiana Law Fertility Fraud Expert Participates in Washington, DC Roundtable, James Owsley Boyd
Indiana Trial Evidence Manual, J. Alexander Tanford
Indiana Trial Evidence Manual (2023 Edition), J. Alexander Tanford
Indian Pharmaceutical Patenting Under Section 3(D): A Model for Developing Countries, Nicholas Eitsert
"Insider Trading Law in the United States and Australia: Fiduciary Breaches, Market Abuses, and the Harshness of Penalties", Donna M. Nagy and Juliette Overland
"Interfaces in Plant Intellectual Property" Second edition, Mark D. Janis
In the Best Interests of Whom?: An Analysis of Judicial Bias in Custody Disputes Involving Transgender Children, Caden Pociask
Introduction: Digital Transformation of Government: Towards a Digital Leviathan?, Alfred C. Aman
Introduction: The Risk of Digitalization: Transforming Government into a Digital Leviathan, Jose Vida Fernandez
Judicial Ethics and Identity, Charles Gardner Geyh
Jury-Related Errors in Copyright, Zahr K. Said
Just-Right Government: Interstate Compacts and Multistate Governance in an Era of Political Polarization, Policy Paralysis, and Bad-Faith Partisanship, Jon Michaels and Emme M. Tyler
Kolender’s Paper Earns Ohio Environmental Writing Award, James Owsley Boyd
Layered Fiduciaries in the Information Age, Zhaoyi Li
Legislative Hearing on H.J. Res. 29, H.J. Res. 46, H.J. Res. 49 and H.R. 1213 | Water, Wildlife and Fisheries Subcommittee, Robert L. Fischman
Les grands juges de la Cour suprême des États-Unis, Elisabeth Zoller
Levels of Free Speech Scrutiny, Alexander Tsesis
Louisville’s CJ Ryan to join Indiana Law in January, James Owsley Boyd
Managing Digital Resale in the Era of International Exhaustion, Seth Niemi
Maurer Federalist Society chapter honored with national award, James Owsley Boyd
Maurer School of Law Hosting ICLEO Summer Institute Through July, James Owsley Boyd
Maurer School of Law, IU Northwest partner on law scholars program, James Owsley Boyd
Meet our new faculty: Jenn Oliva, James Owsley Boyd
Meet our new faculty: Valena Beety, James Owsley Boyd
Meet our new faculty: Yvette Butler, James Owsley Boyd
Michael Uslan to Address the Class of 2023, James Owsley Boyd
Neurorights and New Charts of Digital Rights: A Dialogue Beyond the Limits of the Law, Rafael Yuste
New FirstGen student organization uniting path-breaking students, James Owsley Boyd
Ochoa, Big Ten law deans pledge support for diversity ahead of SCOTUS affirmative action ruling, The Indiana Lawyer
On Facial Recognition, Regulation, and "Data Necropolitics", Antonio Pele and Caitlin Mulholland
Outcome Sensitivity and the Constitutional Law of Criminal Procedure, Lee Kovarsky
Pain Management, Disorders of Consciousness, and Tort Law: An Emergency Tort to Fix a Longstanding Injustice, Joseph J. Fins and Zachary E. Shapiro
Patenting Genetic Information, David S. Olson and Fabrizio Ducci
Period Poverty and Life Strains: Efforts Made to Erase Stigma and to Expand Access to Menstrual Hygiene Products, Jennifer L. Brinkley and Nicole Niebuhr
Pipeline programs at IU Maurer School of Law, Austen Parrish and Terrance Blackman Stroud
Pollution and Property: Comparing Ownership Institutions for Environmental Protection, Daniel H. Cole
"Pregnancy and Work: 50 Years of Legal Theory, Litigation, and Legislation", Deborah Widiss
Pregnant Workers Fairness Acts: Advancing a Progressive Policy in Both Red and Blue America, Deborah Widiss
Privatizing Family Leave Policy: Assessing the New Opt-in Insurance Model, Deborah Widiss
Proportionality Review of Administrative Actions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Ahmed Saleh Enani
Protection and Prevention: The Shortcomings of U.S. Copyright Law in Combatting Cultural Appropriation in the Fashion Industry, Luke E. Steffe
"Public Policy and the Privacy Avalanche", Fred H. Cate
"Public Regulation and Private Enforcement in a Global Economy: Strategies for Managing Conflict", Hannah Buxbaum
Purchasing Population Growth, Edward W. De Barbieri
Qualified Immunity and the Unintentional, or Intentional, Chill on Free Speech, Madison Heiney
Race and Civil Procedure, Victor D. Quintanilla
Racializing Algorithms, Jessica M. Eaglin
‘Radical turn away’ from admissions tests? Deans say claims of increased diversity may be unfounded, Tyler Fenwick
Remarks on Manifesting Justice: Wrongly Convicted Women Reclaim Their Rights, Amber Baylor, Valena Beety, and Susan Sturm
Remembering the Hon. Viola J. Taliaferro, James Owsley Boyd
Rethinking the Civil Protection of Patients from Misleading Pharmaceutical Marketing Under Saudi Law, Muflih Saud Almughyirah
"Risk Mitigation Strategies for Physicians", Jody L. Madeira and Jerry A. Lindheim
Rojas Reflects on Law School During a Pandemic, James Owsley Boyd
Romano named a Rumsfeld Graduate Fellow, James Owsley Boyd
Rusk Named an American Constitution Society Next Generation Leader, James Owsley Boyd
Second Chances in Criminal and Immigration Law, Ingrid V. Eagly
Securities Litigation, Enforcement, and Compliance: Cases and Materials (Fifth Edition), Donna M. Nagy, Lisa M. Fairfax, and Veronica Root Martinez
Serving Only to Oppress: An Intersectional and Critical Race Analysis of Constitutional Originalism Inflicting Harm, Ethan Dawson
Situating Structural Challenges to Agency Authority Within the Framework of the Finality Principle, Harold J. Krent
Socioeconomic Rights, Competition, and Systemic Neutrality: Approaching the Right(s) Contribution to Emancipatory Social Movements, Joshua Curtis
Solving Contemporary Issues in Conservation Through a Market-Based International Park System, Ian Finley
Stakeholderism Silo Busting, Aneil Kovvali
State Workarounds to the IRC's SALT Cap: The Past, the Present, and Building for the Future, Richard Stephenson McEwan
Symbiotic Reform to Regulate the Insurance Industry: Regulators, Market Access, and Antitrust Issues in the U.S. and Korea, Sung Keun Chun
Syringe Service Programs in Indiana: Moving Past the “Moral” Concerns of Harm Reduction Towards Effective Legislation, Steven Nisi
Taxation of Intellectual Property Litigation, Chitra A. Ram
The Afterlife of Confederate Monuments, Jess Phelps and Jessica N. Owley
The Antitrust Alternative: Promoting Public Health Through Competition, Michael Cederblom
"The Challenge of Judicial Independence", Charles G. Geyh
The Constitution Commandeth: Thou Shalt Not Protect the Same Subject Matter Under Design Patent and Trade Dress Laws, Kenneth B. Germain and Louis H. Sitler
The Contentious Issues of Governance by Algorithms, Gilles J. Gugielmi
The Curtailment of Constitutional Rights and Mechanisms of Social Control in The People's Republic of China: Hubei Province Case at the Onset of the Covid-19 Pandemic, Fabio Ratto Trabucco
The Digital Transformation of Tax Systems Progress, Pitfalls, and Protection in a Danish Context, Louise Blichfeldt Fjord and Peter K. Schmidt
The End of a Natural Monopoly: Deregulation and Competition in the electric Power Industry, Daniel H. Cole and Peter Z. Grossman
The Future of Roe and the Gender Pay Gap: An Empirical Assessment, Itay Ravid and Jonathan Zandberg
The Irrationality of Child Support Enforcement in the United States: Harming Children and Punishing the Poor, Hannah Pitcher
The Policy Origins of Wi-Fi, John Blevins
The Proactive Model: How to Better Protect the Right to Special Education for Incarcerated Youth, John Bignotti
The Problem of the Legal Malpractice Claim in Saudi Arabia: Could Combining the Legal Malpractice Claim with the Disciplinary Claim Solve It?, Ahmad Abdulkhaliq Alamri
"The Prohibition on Extraterritorial Enforcement Jurisdiction in the Datasphere", Asaf Lubin
The Racialized History of Vice Policing, India Thusi
The Rise of Corporate Guidelines in the United States, 2005-2021: Theory and Evidence, Asaf Eckstein
The Social Value of Intellectual Property, Alina Ng Boyte
“The Virus of Liberty”: John Perry Barlow, Internet Law, and Grateful Dead Studies, Joseph A. Tomain
Three-Judge District Courts, Direct Appeals, and Reforming the Supreme Court’s Shadow Docket, Michael E. Solimine
Time Off Work For Menstruation: A Good Idea?, Deborah Widiss
Tinder Love and Care: Proposing an Industry Self-Regulation Policy Implementing Safety Procedures for Dating App Companies, Marissa Meredith
To Be Blunt: Weed Appreciate You Not Flying with Marijuana, but Current Conflicting Cannabis Law Leaves Things Hazy, Emily O'Brien
Trademarks and Unfair Competition: Law and Policy, 6th, Mark D. Janis and Graeme B. Dinwoodie
Trial Objections Handbook (2021 Edition), Aviva Orenstein, Roger C. Park, and Colin Miller
Trust in Artificial Intelligence: Analysis of the European Commission Proposal for a Regulation of Artificial Intelligence, Antonio Estella
Trusts and Estates (2nd Edition), Jeffrey E. Stake
"U.S. v. Chestman, 947 F.2d 551 (2d Cir., 1991): Commentary", Donna M. Nagy
Vol. 61, No. 13 (November 22, 2021)
Vol. 64, No. 01 (January 16, 2023)
Vol. 64, No. 02 (January 23, 2023)
Vol. 64, No. 03 (January 30, 2023)
Vol. 64, No. 04 (February 6, 2023)
Vol. 64, No. 05 (February 13, 2023)
Vol. 64, No. 06 (February 20, 2023)
Vol. 64, No. 07 (February 27, 2023)
Vol. 64, No. 08 (March 6, 2023)
Vol. 64, No. 09 Addition (March 20, 2023)
Vol. 64, No. 09 (March 20, 2023)
Vol. 64, No. 10 (March 27, 2023)
Vol. 64, No. 11 Addition (April 3, 2023)
Vol. 64, No. 11 (April 3, 2023)
Vol. 64, No. 12 (April 10, 2023)
Vol. 64, No. 13 (April 17, 2023)
Vol. 65, No. 01 (August 21, 2023)
Vol. 65, No. 02 (August 28, 2023)
Vol. 65, No. 03 (September 4, 2023)
Vol. 65, No. 04 (September 11, 2023)
Vol. 65, No. 05 (September 18, 2023)
Vol. 65, No. 06 (September 25, 2023)
Vol. 65, No. 07 (October 2, 2023)
Vol. 65, No. 08 (October 16, 2023)
Vol. 65, No. 09 (October 23, 2023)
Vol. 65, No. 10 (October 30, 2023)
Vol. 65, No. 11 (November 6, 2023)
Vol. 65, No. 12 (November 13, 2023)
Vol. 65, No. 13 (November 20, 2023)
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Available to Local Community Members through March 28, James Owsley Boyd
What is an English Jew?: The Legal Construction of Jewish Identity Under the UK Equality Act of 2010, Lesley Klaff
Why Judges Should Use 18 U.S.C. § 3553 to Assess Prison Sentences Qualitatively in the Context of Collateral Relief, Luke Doughty
Why States Should Conform to the New Corporate AMT, David Gamage and Darien Shanske