Constitutional Reform and Women's Political Participation: Electoral Gender Quotas in Post-Arab Spring Egypt, Tunisia, and Jordan

Constitutional Reform and Women's Political Participation: Electoral Gender Quotas in Post-Arab Spring Egypt, Tunisia, and Jordan



Professor Williams's contribution to this volume is "Constitutional Reform and Women's Political Particiaption: Electoral Gender Quotas in Post-Arab Spring Egypt, Tunisia, and Jordan."


9781108487733 (hb)

Publication Date



Cambridge University Press


New York


Constitutional law, New Democracies, Womens' Political Participation


Constitutional Law | Law | Law and Gender


Ginsburg, Tom and Aziz Huq (eds.) From Parchment to Practice: Implementing New Constitutions. Cambridge University Press, 2020.

This book explores the problems that arise when a new constitution has been adopted. All new constitutions must manage tension between two forces: aspirations for social and political transformation on the one hand and demands for preservation of the old interests and institutions on the other. The period following the inital adoption of a new constitution is the conceptual, temporal, and institutional bridge between the past and future. It is the moment when the transformative and the preservative forces in constitutional design can come into the sharpest conflict. Through a series of case studies, this volume analyses the variable nature of these type of conflicts--and the diverse means through which they are mediated, whether successuflly or not.

Full bibliographic details HERE.

Copies available in the Jerome Hall Law Library, K 3165.A6 F76 2017.

University of Chicago School of Law Conference 2017.

Constitutional Reform and Women's Political Participation: Electoral Gender Quotas in Post-Arab Spring Egypt, Tunisia, and Jordan
