Included in this collection are articles written by Maurer faculty in both our own law journals and in those published by others.

Submissions from 2010

What We Don't Know Can Hurt Us: The Need for Empirical Research in Regulating Lawyers and Legal Services in the Global Economy, Carole Silver
(43 Akron Law Review 1009 (2010))

Transnational Legal Practice 2009, Carole Silver, Laurel S. Terry, and Ellyn S. Rosen
(44 International Lawyer 563 (2010))

Cyberspace Is Outside the Schoolhouse Gate: Offensive, Online Student Speech Receives First Amendment Protection, Joseph A. Tomain
(59 Drake Law Review 97 (2010))

To the Ice: George Bird Grinnell's 1887 Ascent of Grinnell Glacier, Richard Vaughan
(49 Journal of the West 11 (2010))

Hicks v. Dowd, Conservation Easements, and the Charitable Trust Doctrine: Setting the Record Straight, W. William Weeks and Nancy A. McLaughlin
(10 Wyoming Law Review 73 (2010))

The Argument for Same-Sex Marriage (Debate), Deborah A. Widiss, Nelson Tebbe, and Shannon Gilreath
(159 University of Pennsylvania Law Review PENNumbra 21 (2010))

Equal Access and the Right to Marry, Deborah Widiss and Nelson Tebbe
(158 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 1375 (2010))

Two Concluding Remarks, European Union countries, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, National security, Elisabeth Zoller
(17 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 207 (2010))

Comparative Law: Problems and Prospects, Elisabeth Zoller; George A. Bermann; Patrick Glenn; Kim Lane Scheppele; Amr Shalakany; and David V, Snyder
(26 American University International Law Review 935 (2010))

Submissions from 2009

Indiana's Latest Study of the Legal Needs of the Poor, Amy Applegate and Monica A. Fennell
(53 no. 2 Res Gestae 46 (2009))

Restraining the Heartless: Racist Speech and Minority Rights, Jeannine Bell
(84 Indiana Law Journal 963 (2009))

The Hangman's Noose and the Lynch Mob: Hate Speech and the Jena Six, Jeannine Bell
(44 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 329 (2009))

Who Is a Parent?, Michelle M. Botek, Dorothy R. Fait, and Jillian L. DiLaura
(42 Maryland Bar Journal 4 (May 2009))

Interrogation and Silence: A Comparative Study, Craig M. Bradley
(27 Wisconsin International Law Journal 271 (2009))

"Knock and Talk" and the Fourth Amendment, Craig M. Bradley
(84 Indiana Law Journal 1099 (2009))

Can Public International Boarding Schools in Ghana Be the Next Educational Reform Movement for Low-Income Urban Minority Public School Students?, Kevin D. Brown
(19 Temple Political & Civil Rights Law Review 91 (2009))

Change in Racial and Ethnic Classifications Is Here: Proposal to Address Race and Ethnic Ancestry of Blacks for Affirmative Action Admissions Purposes, Kevin D. Brown
(31 Hamline Journal of Public Law & Policy 143 (2009))

Foreward: President Barack Obama Law & Policy Symposium, Kevin D. Brown
(35 Thurgood Marshall Law Review 1 (2009))

Now Is the Appropriate Time for Selective Higher Education Programs to Collect Racial and Ethnic Data on Its Black Applicants and Students, Kevin D. Brown
(34 Thurgood Marshall Law Review 287 (2009))

African American Disproportionality in School Discipline: The Divide Between Best Evidence and Legal Remedy, Kevin D. Brown, Russell J. Skiba, and Suzanne E. Eckes
(54 New York Law School Law Reviw 1071 (2009/10))

Introduction: Operationalizing Global Governance, Hannah Buxbaum
(16 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 1 (2009))

Territory, Territoriality, and the Resolution of Jurisdictional Conflict, Hannah L. Buxbaum
(57 American Journal of Comparative Law 631 (2009))

Updating Data Protection: Part I -- Identifying the Objectives, Fred H. Cate
(Published by the Centre for Information Policy Leadership)

Dos and Don'ts of Data Breach and Information Security Policy, Fred H. Cate, Martin E. Abrams, Paula J. Bruening, and Orson Swindle
(Published by the Centre for Information Policy Leadership)

Protecting Private Property with Constitutional Judicial Review: A Social Welfare Approach, Daniel H. Cole and Peter Z. Grossman
(5 Review of Law and Economics 233 (2009))

Enabling After-Arising Technology, Kevin Emerson Collins
(34 Journal of Corporation Law 1083 (2009))

Book Review. Liberty: Rethinking an Imperiled Ideal by Glenn Tinder, Daniel O. Conkle
(24 Journal of Law and Religion 717 (2009))

Book Review. Religious Liberty in America: The First Amendment in Historical and Contemporary Perspective, Daniel O. Conkle
(95 Catholic Historical Review 635)

Judicial Activism and Fourteenth Amendment Privacy Claims: The Allure of Originalism and the Unappreciated Promise of Constrained Nonoriginalism, Daniel O. Conkle
(14 Nexus: Chapman's Journal of Law & Policy 31 (2009))

More on Blogging for Law Librarians, L. Cindy Dabney
(17 Australian Law Librarian 44 (2009))

A Conference on the American Law Institute's Proposed Restatement of Employment Law, Kenneth Glenn Dau-Schmidt
(13 Employee Rights and Employment Policy Journal 1 (2009))

Solving the Employee Reference Problem: Lessons from the German Experience, Kenneth Glenn Dau-Schmidt and Matthew Finkin
(57 American Journal of Comparative Law 387 (2009))

Men and Women of the Bar: The Impact of Gender on Legal Careers, Kenneth Glenn Dau-Schmidt, Marc Galanter, Kaushik Mukhopadhaya, and Kathleen E. Hull
(16 Michigan Journal of Gender and Law 49 (2009))

"Old and Making Hay:" The Results of the Pro Bono Institute Firm Survey on the Viability of a "Second Acts" Program to Transition Attorneys to Retirement Through Pro Bono Work, Kenneth Glenn Dau-Schmidt, Esther Lardent, Reena Glazer, and Kellen Ressmeyer
(7 Cardozo Public Law, Policy, and Ethics Journal 321 (2009))

After the Revolution: Global Health Politics in a Time of Economic Crisis and Threatening Future Trends, David P. Fidler
(2 Global Health Governance (2008/09))

Eastphalia Rising?: Asian Influence and the Fate of Human Security, David P. Fidler, Sung Won Kim, and Sumit Ganguly
(26 World Policy Journal 53 (2009))

Establishing Public Health Security in a Postwar Iraq: Constitutional Obstacles and Lessons for Other Federalizing States, David P. Fidler, Kumanan Wilson, Christopher W. McDougall, and Harvey Lazar
(34 Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 381 (2009))

Child Support and (In)ability to Pay: The Case for the Cost Shares Model, Pamela Foohey
(13 UC Davis Journal of Juvenile Law & Policy 35 (2009))

Understanding the Paradoxical Case of the Voting Rights Act, Luis Fuentes-Rohwer
(36 Florida State University Law Review 697 (2009))

Leaving the Thicket at Last?, Luis Fuentes-Rohwer and Laura Jane Durfee
(2009 Michigan State Law Review 417 (2009))

A Disability by Any Other Name Is Still a Disability: Log Cabin, The Disability Spectrum, and the ADA (AA), Gabrielle L. Goodwin
(4 Seventh Circuit Review 253 (2009))

The Bursting of the Pedigree Bubble, William D. Henderson
(21 NALP Bulletin 1 (July 2009))

An Empirical Analysis of Lateral Lawyer Trends from 2000 to 2007: The Emerging Equilibrium for Corporate Law Firms, William D. Henderson and Leonard Bierman
(22 Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics 1395 (2009))

Rethinking the Federal Role in State Criminal Justice, Joseph L. Hoffmann and Nancy J. King
(84 New York University Law Review 791 (2009))

Federal Payroll, Gift, and Prepaid Card Developments: FDIC Deposit Insurance Eligibility and the Credit CARD Act of 2009, Sarah Jane Hughes
(65 Business Lawyer 261 (2009))

Some Basic Concerns about the CFPA Legislation and a Partial Response to Professor Bar-Gill's "The Consumer Financial Protection Agency: Sorting the Critiques", Sarah Jane Hughes
(1 Lombard Street 31 (2009))

A Constitution Without Constitutionalism: Reflections on Iraq's Failed Constitutional Process, Feisal Amin Istrabadi
(87 Texas Law Review 1627 (2008/09))

"TRAP"ing Roe in Indiana and a Common-Ground Alternative, Dawn E. Johnsen
(118 Yale Law Journal 1356 (2009))

EBay's Second Life: When Should Virtual Earnings Bear Real Taxes?, Leandra Lederman
(118 Yale Law Journal, Pocket Part 136 (2009))

When It's So Hard to Relate: Can the Legal System Mitigate the Trauma of Victim-Offender Relationships?, Jody L. Madeira
(46 Houston Law Review 401 (2009))

"Render Unto Caesar...": Religion/Ethics, Expertise, and the Historical Underpinnings of the Modern American Tax System, Ajay K. Mehrotra
(40 Loyola University Chicago Law Journal 321 (2009))

The Intellectual Foundations of the Modern American Fiscal State, Ajay K. Mehrotra
(138 Daedalus 53 (2009))

Insider Trading and the Gradual Demise of Fiduciary Principles, Donna M. Nagy
(94 Iowa Law Review 1315 (2009))

The Future of Corporate Accountability for Violations of Human Rights, Christiana Ochoa
(103 American Society of International Law Proceedings 281 (2009))

The Human Rights Potential of Sovereign Wealth Funds, Christiana Ochoa and Patrick Keenan
(40 Georgetown Journal of International Law 1151 (2009))

Propensity or Stereotype?: A Bad Evidence Experiment in Indian Country, Aviva Orenstein
(19 Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy 173 (2009))

Honoring Margaret Berger with a Sensible Idea: Insisting that Judges Employ a Balancing Test before Admitting the Accused's Convictions under Federal Rule of Evidence 609(a)(2), Aviva A. Orenstein
(75 Brooklyn Law Review 1291 (2010))

Comity and Foreign Parallel Proceedings: A Reply to Black and Swan. Lloyd’s Underwriters v. Cominco LTD., Austen L. Parrish
(45 Canadian Business Law Journal 209 (2009))

Reclaiming International Law from Extraterritoriality, Austen L. Parrish
(93 Minnesota Law Review 815 (2009))

The Effects of Booker on Inter-Judge Sentencing Disparity, Ryan W. Scott
(22 Federal Sentencing Reporter 104 (2009))

Between Diffusion and Distinctiveness in Globalization: U.S. Law Firms Go Glocal, Carole Silver, Nicole De Bruin Phelan, and Mikaela Rabinowitz
(22 Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics 1431 (2009))

Transnational Legal Practice 2008, Carole Silver, Laurel S. Terry, Ellyn S. Rosen, Carol A. Needham, Jennifer Haworth McCandless, Robert Lutz, and Peter D. Ehrenhaft
(43 International Lawyer 943 (2009))

"The Momentous Gravity of the State of Things Now Obtaining": Annoying Westphalian Objections to the Idea of Global Governance, Timothy W. Waters
(16 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 25 (2009))

In Defense of Conservation Easements: A Response to The End of Perpetuity, W. William Weeks and Nancy A. McLaughlin
(9 Wyoming Law Review 1 (2009))

Shadow Precedents and the Separation of Powers: Statutory Interpretation of Congressional Overrides, Deborah Widiss
(84 Notre Dame Law Review 511 (2009))

Constitutionalism Before Constitutions: Burma's Struggle to Build a New Order, David C. Williams
(87 Texas Law Review 1657 (2009))

Feminist Theory and Freedom of Speech, Free Speech Theory, Susan H. Williams
(84 Indiana Law Journal 999 (2009))

Foreword: Freedom of Expression: "Precious Right" in Europe, "Sacred Right" in the United States?, Elisabeth Zoller
(84 Indiana Law Journal 803 (2009))

The United States Supreme Court and the Freedom of Expression, Elisabeth Zoller
(84 Indiana Law Journal 885 (2009))

Submissions from 2008

Bridging the Data Gap: Balancing the Supply and Demand for Chemical Information, John S. Applegate
(86 Texas Law Review 1365 (2008))

Synthesizing TSCA and REACH: Practical Principles for Chemical Regulation Reform, John S. Applegate
(35 Ecology Quarterly 721 (2008))

The Temporal Dimension of Land Pollution: Another Perspective on Applying the Breaking the Logjam Principles to Waste Management, John S. Applegate
(17 New York University Environmental Law Journal 757 (2008))

Forward, John S. Applegate and Robert L. Fischman
(83 Indiana Law Journal 399 (2008))

"Behind This Mortal Bone": The (In)Effectiveness of Torture, Jeannine Bell
(83 Indiana Law Journal 339 (2008))

Book Review. Governing Through Crime: How the War on Crime Transformed American Democracy and Created a Culture of Fear by Jonathan Simon, Jeannine Bell
(42 Law and Society Review 231 (2008))

Book Review. There Goes the Neighborhood: Racial, Ethnic, and Class Tensions in Four Chicago Neighborhoods and Their Meaning for America by William Julius Wilson and Richard P. Taub, Jeannine Bell
(37 Contemporary Sociology 49 (2008))

The Fair Housing Act and Extralegal Terror, Jeannine Bell
(41 Indiana Law Review 537 (2008))

Reflections on Justice Kennedy's Opinion in Parents Involved: Why Fifty Years of Experience Shows Kennedy Is Right, Kevin D. Brown
(59 South Carolina Law Review 735 (2008))

Symposium: Race Across Boundaries: Introduction, Kevin D. Brown
(24 Harvard Blackletter Law Journal 1 (2008))

Demise of the Talented Tenth: Affirmative Action and the Increasing Underrepresentation of Ascendant Blacks at Selective Educational Institutions, Kevin D. Brown and Jeannine Bell
(69 Ohio State Law Journal 1229 (2008))

Lessons Learned from Comparing the Application of Constitutional Law and Anti-Discrimination Law to African Americans in the U.S. and Dalits in India in the Context of Higher Education, Kevin D. Brown and Vinay Sitapati
(24 Harvard Blackletter Law Journal 3 (2008))

Mandatory Rules in Civil Litigation: Status of the Doctrine Post-Globalization, Hannah Buxbaum
(18 American Review of International Arbitration 21 (2008))

Information Security Breaches: Looking Back & Thinking Ahead, Fred H. Cate
(Published by the Centre for Information Policy Leadership)

Government Data Mining: The Need for a Legal Framework, Fred H. Cate
(43 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review)

The "Stern Review" and its Critics: Implications for the Theory and Practice of Benefit-Cost Analysis, Daniel H. Cole
(48 Natural Resources Journal 53 (2008))

Claims to Information Qua Information and a Structural Theory of Section 101, Kevin Emerson Collins
(4 I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society 11 (2008))

The Reach of Literal Claim Scope into After-Arising Technology: On Thing Construction and the Meaning of Meaning, Kevin Emerson Collins
(41 Connecticut Law Review 493 (2008))

Book Review. From Edison to iPod: Protect Your Ideas and Make Money by Frederick W. Mostert and Lawrence E. Apolzon, Yvonne Cripps
(59 Case Western Reserve Law Review 219 (2008))

Citators: Past, Present, and Future, Laura C. Dabney
(27 Legal Reference Services Quarterly 165 (2008))

Blogs and Law Librarians, L. Cindy Dabney
(16 Australian Law Librarian 197 (2008))

Economic Analysis of Labor and Employment Law in the New Economy, Kenneth G. Dau-Schmidt, Alan Hyde, Michael Risch, Jagdeep Bhandari, and Richard Block
(12 Employee Rights and Employment Policy Journal 350 (2008))

A Theory of Open-Source Anarchy, David Fidler
(15 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 259 (2008))

Introductory Note to the Agreement Between the Republic of Poland and the United States of America Concerning the Deployment of Ground-Based Ballistic Missile Defense Interceptors in the Territory of the Republic of Poland, David Fidler
(47 International Legal Materials 1042 (2008))

Assessing Laws and Legal Authorities for Public Health Emergency Legal Preparedness, David Fidler, Brian Kamoie, Robert M. Pestronk, Peter Baldridge, Leah Devlin, George A. Mensah, and Michael Doney
(36 Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics 23 (Spec. Suppl. 2008))

Gender Politics, Gender Paradox: Establishing and Implementing Global Standards for the Promotion and Protection of Women's Health, David P. Fidler
(22 Emory International Law Review 147 (2008))

Global Health Jurisprudence: A Time of Reckoning, David P. Fidler
(96 Georgetown Law Journal 393 (2008))

Influenza Virus Samples, International Law, and Global Health Diplomacy, David P. Fidler
(14 Emerging Infectious Diseases 88 (Jan. 2008))

Introductory Note to the Agreement between the Republic of Poland and the United States of America Concerning the Deployment of Ground-Based Ballistic Missile Defense Interceptors in the Territory of the Republic of Poland, David P. Fidler
(47 International Legal Materials 1042 (2008))

Improving Laws and Legal Authorities for Public Health Emergency Legal Preparedness, David Fidler, Robert M. Pestronk, Brian Kamoie, Gene Matthews, Georges C. Benjamin, Ralph T. Bryan, Socrates H. Tuch, Richard Gottfried, Jonathan E. Fielding, Fran Schmitz, and Stephen Redd
(36 Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics 47 (Spec. Suppl. 2008))

Strategies for Implementing the New International Health Regulations in Federal Countries, David P. Fidler, Kumanan Wilson, Christopher McDougall, and Harvey Lazar
(86 Bulletin of the World Health Organization 215 (2008))