Contained in this collection are articles written by Maurer students. Although most of these articles were published in our law journals, some may have been published elsewhere.

Submissions from 2024

The Rights of Donor-Conceived Persons in Colorado: America's First Foray into Abolishing Anonymous Gamete Donation, Madeline Ash
(99 Indiana Law Journal 1015 (2024))

Doe Not Worry: Expanding Protections for Unaccompanied Children, Heidi E. Davis

Corporate Climate Litigation and Environmental Justice: How Green Amendments Can be Used to Advance Accountability and Equity, Noah Hines

The Living Constitution: Why the Supreme Court Must Part Ways with Exclusionary Eminent Domain, Aaron Mackay
(99 Indiana Law Journal 619 (2024))

Coping with COPPA: Exploring Alternatives to the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, Andrew Parra

Why is There No Social Citizenship in Puerto Rico? The Demise of Section 20, Haley Powell

Botched Bans: Analyzing Conversion Therapy Bans After a Decade of Legal Challenges, Cameron J. Rachford
(99 Indiana Law Journal 1403 (2024))

Fulfilling the Promise of the Housing Choice Voucher Program: Blind Review as an Enforcement Method for Source-of-Income Antidiscrimination Laws, Zachary Wakefield

Submissions from 2023

The Proactive Model: How to Better Protect the Right to Special Education for Incarcerated Youth, John Bignotti
(98 Indiana Law Journal Supplement 14 (2023))

A Newfound Power: How the Ohio Supreme Court Should Approach the Next Partisan Gerrymander, Bradley Davis
(98 Indiana Law Journal 999)

Serving Only to Oppress: An Intersectional and Critical Race Analysis of Constitutional Originalism Inflicting Harm, Ethan Dawson

Why Judges Should Use 18 U.S.C. § 3553 to Assess Prison Sentences Qualitatively in the Context of Collateral Relief, Luke Doughty

Solving Contemporary Issues in Conservation Through a Market-Based International Park System, Ian Finley
(30 Indiana J. Global Legal Studies 353)

What's Not Natural Phenomena? Let's Consider a Three-Step Innovative Concept Test for Composition of Matter Claims, Sydney Hancock
(13 IP Theory 86 (2023))

Qualified Immunity and the Unintentional, or Intentional, Chill on Free Speech, Madison Heiney

Incombustible Ideas: Evaluating the Impact of Federal Court Opinions Regarding Book Banning in Public-School Libraries, Noah T. Holloway

Psychedelic Drugs & The Prior Art Problem, Anneli E. Kawaoka
(99 Indiana Law Journal 391 (2023))

Direct to Consumer or Direct to All: Home DNA Tests and Lack of Privacy Regulations in the United States, Karen J. Kukla
(13 IP Theory 31 (2023))

An Old Illness: How the United States Uses Racist and Xenophobic Ideas About Disease to Exclude Haitian Migrants During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Emily McConnville

Adapting Standards of Judicial Impartiality to Student Discipline in Higher Education: Pitfalls and Potential Learned from Title IX Adjudications, Brennan Murphy
(98 Indiana Law Journal Supplement 58 (2023))

Managing Digital Resale in the Era of International Exhaustion, Seth Niemi
(30 Indiana J. Global Legal Studies 375)

Encouraging Public Access to Pharmaceuticals Through Modified Protection of Clinical Trial Data, Scott M. Nolan II
(12 IP Theory 87)

The Irrationality of Child Support Enforcement in the United States: Harming Children and Punishing the Poor, Hannah Pitcher

In the Best Interests of Whom?: An Analysis of Judicial Bias in Custody Disputes Involving Transgender Children, Caden Pociask
(98 Indiana Law Journal 1275 (2023))

Protection and Prevention: The Shortcomings of U.S. Copyright Law in Combatting Cultural Appropriation in the Fashion Industry, Luke E. Steffe
(12 IP Theory 116 (2023))

State Workarounds to the IRC's SALT Cap: The Past, the Present, and Building for the Future, Richard Stephenson McEwan
(98 Indiana Law Journal 665 (2023))

Guilty of Probable Cause: Public Arrest Records and Dignity in the Information Age, Nicholas Thompson
(30 Indiana J. Global Legal Studies 393)

Fair Use Failing the First Amendment? How the Parody and Satire Dichotomy May be Stunting Political Discourse, Megan L. Wheeler
(12 IP Theory 39 (2023))

Submissions from 2022

Interview by Zach Shepard and Chris McMillan with David Gindler, Partner, Milbank LLP, and Jasper Tran, Associate, Milbank LLP
(Interview by Zach Shepard and Chris McMillan with David Gindler, Partner, Milbank LLP, and Jasper Tran, Associate, Milbank LLP (Mar. 4, 2022))

What Will the “Foreseeable Future” Bring for Climate- Imperiled Species?, Olivia Bauer
(97 Indiana Law Journal Supplement 43 (2022))

Understanding the Nansen Passport: A System of Manipulation, Kacey Bengel
(29 Indiana J. Global Legal Studies 217 (2022))

The Leader of the Free World as the Leader of Mass Detention: Responsive, Short-Term Policies to Ameliorate the Intersecting Crises of COVID-19 and Mass Detention Within the United States, Haley Brooks

Economic Impact Payments: How the CARES Act Failed to Care for America’s Homeless Population, Megan Cicotte

Hoosier Public Health: Reinvigorating Indiana Lead Law Using a Lens for Health Equity, Cassidy Segura Clouse

The Oslo Accords: A Modern-Day Story of Occupation Told Through Violations of the Right to Freedom of Privacy, Catherine DeMetrovich
(98 Indiana Law Journal 307 (2022))

Bostock and Contact Theory: How Will a Single U.S. Supreme Court Decision Reduce Prejudice Against LGBTQ People?, Mantas Grigorovicius
(97 Indiana Law Journal Supplement 14 (2022))

Managing Judicial Discretion: Qualified Immunity and Rule 12(b)(6) Motions, Zachary R. Hart
(97 Indiana Law Journal 1479 (2022))

Inconsistencies in Bail Determinations: An Analysis of Judicial Decision- Making, Kacey Henning

Taxonomy of Ministerial Appointment Processes, Michelle Johnston

Overview of Bicameral Legislatures’ Potential Impact on the Executive Selection Process, Kyle Kopchak

Ending Demand for Modern-Day Slavery: An Analysis of Human Trafficking in the Global Marketplace, Rachel Leach
(29 Indiana J. Global Legal Studies 233 (2022))

The Ends and The Means: Indigenous Sovereignty, Climate-Related Legal Actions, and Frameworks of Justice, Connor Marcum
(29 Indiana J. Global Legal Studies 261 (2022))

Neither Here Nor There: Nonbinary, Law, Student, Celia Meredith

Using the Internal Revenue Code to Limit Coaching Salaries: A Proposal to Bring Amateurism Back into College Football, Blaire Mikesell
(97 Indiana Law Journal 393 (2022))

Implicating Implicit Bias in the Judiciary: Using Contextual Analyses to Bring About Meaningful Systemic Reform, Stephen Morris

Big Data, Big Gap: Working Towards a HIPAA Framework that Covers Big Data, Ryan Mueller
(97 Indiana Law Journal 1505 (2022))

Enforcing Interstate Compacts in Federal Systems, Michael Osborn

The Case for A Global Excess Profits Tax: A Response to Dr. Tarcísio Diniz Magalhães & Professor Allison Christians, Paige Powers
(29 Indiana J. Global Legal Studies 231 (2022))

"Just Ice" for Bourbon: The Need for GIs in International Protection of America's Beloved Spirit, Haley Scott
(29 Indiana J. Global Legal Studies 213 (2022))

Rethinking Juvenile Rehabilitation: Presumptive Waiver and Alternative Sentencing in Indiana, S. Reese Sobol II
(97 Indiana Law Journal 365 (2022))

Hidden in Plain Sight: The Dangers of Environmental Protections Waivers, Olivia Stevens
(97 Indiana Law Journal 785 (2022))

The Brcko Arbitration: A Blueprint for Ending Current and Future Ethnic Territorial Conflicts, Emma DeLaney Strenski
(29 Indiana J. Global Legal Studies 181 (2022))

Can Social Science Teach Congress New Tricks?: Addressing the Need for Educational Support Dogs in Classrooms, Elaina H. Wilson
(97 Indiana Law Journal Supplement 66 (2022))

Submissions from 2021

Zero Sympathy: Unaccompanied Minors' Rights in the US Immigration System, Mahrukh Ali
(28 Indiana J. Global Legal Studies 245 (2021))

Calling the Shots: Balancing Parental and Child Rights in the Age of Anti-Vax, Mahrukh Badar
(28 Indiana J. Global Legal Studies 1 (2021))

Ranked Choice Voting: How Voters Have Responded to a Failing Political System, Audrey Brittingham

Putting Paper to Pen: Generation Juul's Case for Harm Reduction, Liz Emanuel
(96 Indiana Law Journal 619 (2021))

Penises, Nipples, and Bums, Oh My!: An Examination of How Freedom of Expression Applies to Public Nudity, Clara Gutwein
(28 Indiana J. Global Legal Studies 1 (2021))

The Future of Female Inventors in the United States: A Comparative Analysis to the Republic of Korea, Payton Hoff

Mitigating the Effects of Intellectual Property Colonialism on Budding Cannabis Markets, Hughie Kellner
(28 Indiana J. Global Legal Studies 1 (2021))

Constitutional Court Landscape Post - Arab Spring: A Survey of Design, Dane Kirchoff-Foster

Saving Face; The Unconstitutional Use of Facial Recognition on Undocumented Immigrants and Solutions in IP, Audrey Knutson

Congress's Competing Motivations: What Chevron Can Tell Us About Constitutional Acquiescence, George Krug
(96 Indiana Law Journal 637 (2021))

A Clumsy Couple: The Problem of Applying Model Rule 1.7 in Transactional Settings, Katelyn K. Leveque
(96 Indiana Law Journal Supplement 88 (2021))

A Taxonomy on Constitutional Court Appointment Mechanisms in Federal Countries, Molly Madden

Trademark Enforcement of Counterfeit Drugs: A Guardian of the Rich and Poor Alike, Melanie Magdun

First Amendment Freedoms Diluted: The Impact of Disclosure Requirements on Nonprofit Charities, Bailie Mittman
(96 Indiana Law Journal Supplement 102 (2021))

No Teacher Left Behind: Reforming the Educators Expense Deduction, Mary Morris
(96 Indiana Law Journal 911 (2021))

How the World's Largest Economies Regulate Data Privacy: Drawbacks, Benefits, & Proposed Solutions, Alexander J. Pantos
(28 Indiana J. Global Legal Studies 267 (2021))

Sherman’s Wrath: Sports Data’s Impending Collision with Antitrust Law, Jonathan A. Sussler

Federal Rule of Evidence 609: An Evidentiary Catch-22 for Minority Defendants, Willow Thomas

What's the Harm? Federalism, the Separation of Powers, and Standing in Data Breach Litigation, Grayson Wells
(96 Indiana Law Journal 937 (2021))

Pricing Privacy and Valuing Data Collection: The Commidification of Privacy and the Impact on Low-Income Groups, Liam Williams

I Just Took a DNA Test—Turns Out, I'm 100% Breaching My Donor Anonymity Contract: Direct-to-Consumer DNA Testing and Parental Medical-Decision-Making, Morgan C. York
(28 Indiana J. Global Legal Studies 293 (2021))

Submissions from 2020

Recidivist Sentencing and the Sixth Amendment, Benjamin E. Adams

Passport to Plastics: Cosmetic Surgery Tourism, Medical Malpractice, and the Automatic Establishment of Personal Jurisdiction by Way of the Joint Commission International, Elizabeth Astrup
(27 Indiana J. Global Legal Studies 347 (2020))

The Dangers of Humanitarian Intervention and the Responsibility to Protect Doctrine, and a Partial Solution, Matthew Bellinger
(27 Indiana J. Global Legal Studies 371 (2020))

In Loving Memory of Purva Sethi, Editor In Chief
(95 Indiana Law Journal 674 (2020))

Taxonomy of Powers and Roles of Upper Chambers in Bicameral Legislatures, Carolyn Griffith

Sharenting and the (Potential) Right to Be Forgotten, Keltie Haley
(95 Indiana Law Journal 1005 (2020))

Addressing the High School Sexual Assault Epidemic: Preventive and Responsive Solutions, Carolyn Haney

The Child Welfare System: A Misnomer in Need of Services, Allison Hilmer

Save it for the Judge? A Case Study on the Effects of Big Money on State Judicial Elections and the Call for Stronger Recusal Rules, Gustavo A. Jimenez

There’s Nothing Worse than Losing to a Girl: An Analysis of Sex Segregation in American Youth Sports, Julia Konieczny

Classifying Systems of Constitutional Review: A Context-Specific Analysis, Samantha Lalisan

Policing the Wombs of the World's Women: The Mexico City Policy, Samantha Lalisan
(95 Indiana Law Journal 977 (2020))

Revenge Porn and the ACLU’s Inconsistent Approach, Elena Lentz

Saving Money on Health Insurance Just Got a lot Easier . . . Or Did It?: The Preserving Employee Wellness Programs Act and its Impact on the Future of Employee Health, Zachary Maciejewski
(95 Indiana Law Journal Supplement 28 (2020))

Mental Illness in Prison & The Objective Unreasonableness of the Estelle Test, Jack McAllister

Virtual Reality as Punishment, Jose A. Moncada

Models of Pre-Promulgation Review of Legislation, Rachel Myers

Addressing Transplant Tourism Problems and Proposed Solutions: Regulation Instead of Prohibition, Colleen Naumovich
(27 Indiana J. Global Legal Studies 409 (2020))

Judicial Independence and the Budget: A Taxonomy of Judicial Budgeting Mechanisms, Alexander Rosselli

Too Old to Jump Through Hoops: How the Opioid Epidemic Has Impacted Elderly Persons Living in Nursing Homes, Autumn Seib

Protecting Minors with Substance Use Disorders: A Closer Look at the Relationship of Confidentiality with Treatment Options, Katherine Slisz

Protections Against Tyranny: How Article V Should Guide Constitutional Interpretation, Mary Strong
(96 Indiana Law Journal 337 (2020))

When Freedom of Speech Comes at a Cost: A Case Study of E.S. v. Austria, Rachael Taylor
(27 Indiana J. Global Legal Studies 431 (2020))

Rethinking the Highway: Integrating Delivery Drones into Airspace Above Highways, Daniel Thompson
(95 Indiana Law Journal Supplement 8 (2020))

Maximizing the Value of America’s Newest Resource, Low- Altitude Airspace: An Economic Analysis of Aerial Trespass and Drones, Tyler Watson
(95 Indiana Law Journal 1399 (2020))

Arizona's Torres v. Terrell and Section 318.03: The Wild West of Pre-Embryo Disposition, Catherine Wheatley
(95 Indiana Law Journal 299 (2020))