Contained in this collection are articles written by Maurer students. Although most of these articles were published in our law journals, some may have been published elsewhere.

Submissions from 2011

A Shift in the Wind: The Siting of Wind Power Projects on Public Lands in the Obama Era, Eric S. Spengle
(86 Indiana Law Journal 1185 (2011))

Bullycide in American Schools: Forging a Comprehensive Legislative Solution, Jason A. Wallace
(86 Indiana Law Journal 735 (2011))

A Review of Beyond Citizenship: American Identity After Globalization, by Peter J. Spiro, Andy Williams
(18 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 593 (2011))

Submissions from 2010

The Need for a Global Amateurism Standard: International Student Issues and Controversies, Erin Abbey-Pinegar
(17 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 241 (2010))

From One [Expletive] Policy to the Next: The FCC's Regulation of "Fleeting Expletives" and the Supreme Court's Response, Brandon J. Almas
(63 Federal Communications Law Journal 261 (2010))

It's a Pirate's Life for Some: The Development of an Illegal Industry in Response to an Unjust Global Power Dynamic, Elliot A. Anderson
(17 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 319 (2010))

The Sound of Money: Securing Copyright, Royalties, and Creative "Progress" in the Digital Music Revolution, Armen Boyajian
(62 Federal Communications Law Journal 587 (2010))

Women's Employment Rights in China: Creating Harmony for Women in the Workplace, Jamie Burnett
(17 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 289 (2010))

Heeding "The Best of Prophets": Historical Perspective and Potential Reform of Public Sector Collective Bargaining in Indiana, Todd C. Dvorak
(85 Indiana Law Journal 701 (2010))

Whose Burden is it Anyway? Addressing the Needs of Content Owners in DMCA Safe Harbors, Greg Janson
(62 Federal Communications Law Journal 153 (2010))

Protecting the Cloak and Dagger with an Illusory Shield: How the Proposed Free Flow of Information Act Falls Short, Jill Laptosky
(62 Federal Communications Law Journal 403 (2010))

Keep Off the Grass!: An Alternative Approach to the Gun Control Debate, Lance Lindeen
(85 Indiana Law Journal 1659 (2010))

Two Birds, One Stone: Achieving Corporate Social Responsibility Through the Shareholder-Primacy Norm, Marshall M. Magaro
(85 Indiana Law Journal 1149 (2010))

Combating Cyberbullying: Emphasizing Education over Criminalization, Jessica P. Meredith
(63 Federal Communications Law Journal 311 (2010))

Derailed by the D.C. Circuit: Getting Network Management Regulation Back on Track, Edward B. Mulligan V
(62 Federal Communications Law Journal 633 (2010))

Music as Speech: A First Amendment Category unto Itself, David Munkittrick
(62 Federal Communications Law Journal 665 (2010))

Virtually Enabled: How Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act Might Be Applied to Online Virtual Worlds, Joshua Newton
(62 Federal Communications Law Journal 183 (2010))

Behavioral Advertisement Regulation: How the Negative Perception of Deep Packet Inspection Technology May Be Limiting the Online Experience, Andrea N. Person
(62 Federal Communications Law Journal 435 (2010))

Love Thy Neighbor: The Tampere Convention as Global Legislation, Allison Rahrig
(17 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 273 (2010))

Who's Responsible for This? The Globalization of Healthcare in Developing Countries, Joshua P. Reading
(17 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 367 (2010))

Future Imperfect: Googling for Principles in Online Behavioral Advertising, Brian Stallworth
(62 Federal Communications Law Journal 465 (2010))

Examining the FCC's Indecency Regulations in Light of Today's Technology, Elizabeth H. Steele
(63 Federal Communications Law Journal 289 (2010))

What Parents Don't Know: Informed Consent, Marriage, and Genital-Normalizing Surgery on Intersex Children, Samantha S. Uslan
(85 Indiana Law Journal 301 (2010))

Preemption in Green Marketing: The Case for Uniform Federal Marketing Definitions, Robert B. White
(85 Indiana Law Journal 325 (2010))

A Review of Making People Illegal: What Globalization Means for Migration and Law, by Catherine Dauvergne, Andy Williams
(17 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 413 (2010))

The Suppression of a Saggin' Expression: Exploring the "Saggy Pants" Style Within a First Amendment Context, Onika K. Williams
(85 Indiana Law Journal 1169 (2010))

Seeking Civilian Control: Rule of Law, Democracy, and Civil-Military Relations in Zimbabwe, Jeremiah I. Williamson
(17 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 389 (2010))

Submissions from 2009

Shooting Blanks: The War on Tax Havens, Timothy V. Addison
(16 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 703 (2009))

Unlocking the Wireless Safe: Opening Up the Wireless World for Consumers, Adam Clay
(61 Federal Communications Law Journal 715 (2009))

What About the Children? A Call for Regulation of Assisted Reproductive Technology, Cahterine A. Clements
(84 Indiana Law Journal 331 (2009))

Anti-Horse Slaughter Legislation: Bad for Horses, Bad for Society, Laura J. Durfee
(84 Indiana Law Journal 353 (2009))

Say "I Do": The Judicial Duty to Heighten Constitutional Scrutiny of Immigration Policies Affecting Same-Sex Binational Couples, Cori K. Garland
(84 Indiana Law Journal 689 (2009))

Putting the Community Back in Community Benefit: Proposed State Tax Exemption Standard for Nonprofit Hospitals, Michele R. Goodman
(84 Indiana Law Journal 713 (2009))

The Role of Culture in the Creation of Islamic Law, John Hursh
(84 Indiana Law Journal 1401 (2009))

Paying the Price for Sports TV: Preventing the Strategic Misuse of the FCC's Carriage Regulations, David Hutson
(61 Federal Communications Law Journal 407 (2009))

Privacy by Deletion: The Need for a Global Data Deletion Principle, Benjamin J. Keele
(16 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 363 (2009))

WHO NEEDS TICKETS? Examining Problems in the Growing Online Ticket Resale Industry, Clark P. Kirkman
(61 Federal Communications Law Journal 738 (2009))

Midwestern Juvenile Drug Courts: Analysis & Recommendations, Nicole A. Kozdron
(84 Indiana Law Journal 373 (2009))

Interfaith Marriage in Islam: An Examination of the Legal Theory Behind the Traditional and Reformist Positions, Alex B. Leeman
(84 Indiana Law Journal 743 (2009))

Effective and Constitutional: Goals for a Hurricane Response Plan in the Aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, Neal McHenry
(84 Indiana Law Journal 1425 (2009))

The RIAA, the DMCA, and the Forgotten Few Webcasters: A Call for Change in Digital Copyright Royalties, Kellen Myers
(61 Federal Communications Law Journal 432 (2009))

The Never-Ending Limits of § 230: Extending ISP Immunity to the Sexual Exploitation of Children, Katy Noeth
(61 Federal Communications Law Journal 765 (2009))

Navigating the Turbulent Waters Connecting the World Trade Organization and Corporate Social Responsibility, Gustavo Ferreira Ribeiro
(16 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 249 (2009))

Business Solutions to the Alien Ownership Restriction, Greg Snodgrass
(61 Federal Communications Law Journal 457 (2009))

Recasting Carried Interest: An Examination of Recent Tax Reform Proposals, Marguerite Racher Snyder
(84 Indiana Law Journal 1449 (2009))

A Look at Traditional Islam's General Discord with a Permanent System of Global Cooperation, Meghan E. Tepas
(16 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 681 (2009))

Submissions from 2008

The Newest Way to Screen Job Applicants: A Social Networker's Nightmare, Carly Brandenburg
(60 Federal Communications Law Journal 597 (2008))

Charting a New Path Toward Gender Equality in India: From Religious Personal Laws to a Uniform Civil Code, Shalina A. Chibber
(83 Indiana Law Journal 695 (2008))

The WTO and Domestic Political Disquiet: has Legalization of the Global Trade Regime Gone Too Far?, James R. Cohee
(15 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 351 (2008))

Limiting the Federal Pardon Power, Kristen H. Fowler
(83 Indiana Law Journal 1651 (2008))

The New Journal: A Supplement Not Undertaken Hitherto, Douglas A. Hass
(83 Indiana Law Journal 393 (2008))

"Fleeting Expletives" Are the Tip of the Iceberg: Fallout from Exposing the Arbitrary and Capricious Nature of Indecency Regulation, Dave E. Hutchinson
(61 Federal Communications Law Journal 229 (2008))

Maintaining Government Accountability: Calls for a "Public Use" Beyond Eminent Domain, Gregory S. Knapp
(83 Indiana Law Journal 1097 (2008))

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office's Proposed Information Disclosure Statement Rules: Too Novel and Nonobvious, Russell S. Magaziner
(83 Indiana Law Journal 719 (2008))

The Limits of Offshoring-Why the United States Should Keep Enforcement of Human Rights Standards "In-House", John McKenzie
(83 Indiana Law Journal 1121 (2008))

BALCO, the Steroids Scandal, and What the Already Fragile Secrecy of Federal Grand Juries Means to the Debate over a Potential Federal Media Shield Law, Peter Meyer
(83 Indiana Law Journal 1671 (2008))

Finding the "Income" in "Income Tax": A Look at Murphy v. LR.S. and an Attempt to Pick up Pieces of Glenshaw Glass, Matthew J. O'Connor
(83 Indiana Law Journal 1695 (2008))

Under Construction: Towards a More Deferential Standard of Review in Claim Construction Cases, Jeffrey Peabody
(17 Federal Circuit Bar Journal 505 (2008))

When the Flock Ignores the Shepherd-Corralling the Undisclosed Use of Video News Releases, Jeffrey Peabody
(60 Federal Communications Law Journal 577 (2008))

the Hague Convention: The Problems with Accession and Implementation, Annette Schmit
(15 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 375 (2008))

Combining the Components of Life: The Application of Patent Extraterritoriality Doctrine to Biotechnology, Jennifer L. Schuster
(83 Indiana Law Journal 363 (2008))

Leave Me Alone! The Delicate Balance of Privacy and Commercial Speech in the Evolving Do-Not-Call Registry, Andrew L. Sullivant
(61 Federal Communications Law Journal 251 (2008))

Reassessing Turner and Litigating the Must-Carry Law Beyond a Facial Challenge, R. Matthew Warner
(60 Federal Communications Law Journal 359 (2008))

Submissions from 2007

Echelon's Effect: The Obsolescence of the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Legal Regime, Matt Bedan
(59 Federal Communications Law Journal 425 (2007))

The Alien Tort Claims Act in 2007: Resolving the Delicate Balance Between Judicial and Legislative Authority, Hannah R. Bornstein
(82 Indiana Law Journal 1077 (2007))

Deal or No Deal: Reinterpreting the FCC's Foreign Ownership Rules for a Fair Game, Cindy J. Cho
(60 Federal Communications Law Journal 111 (2007))

Let Privateers Marque Terrorism: A Proposal for a Reawakening, Robert P. DeWitte
(82 Indiana Law Journal 131 (2007))

Savings Clauses and Trends in Natural Resources Federalism, Robert L. Fischman and Angela King
(32 William & Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review 129 (2007))

Constitutional Challenges to Indiana's Third-Party Custody Statutes, Kristen H. Fowler
(82 Indiana Law Journal 499 (2007))

Crafting Military Commissions Post-Hamdan: The Military Commissions Act of 2006, Douglas A. Hass
(82 Indiana Law Journal 1101 (2007))

International Commerce and Undocumented Workers: Using Trade to Secure Labor Rights, Laura Jakubowski
(14 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 485 (2007))

Law & Politics: The Case Against Judicial Review of Direct Democracy, Corey A. Johanningmeier
(82 Indiana Law Journal 1125 (2007))

Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics? Structured Settlements, Factoring, and the Federal Government, Laura J. Koenig
(82 Indiana Law Journal 809 (2007))

A Soldier's Blog: Balancing Service Members' Personal Rights vs. National Security Interests, Tatum H. Lytle
(59 Federal Communications Law Journal 593 (2007))

Simon Says: Time for a New Approach to Choice-of-Law Questions in Indiana, Eric J. McKeown
(82 Indiana Law Journal 523 (2007))

Delaware Strikes Back: Newcastle Partners and the Fight for State Corporate Autonomy, Michael W. Ott
(82 Indiana Law Journal 159 (2007))

Not Just "Every Man": Revisiting the Journalist's Privilege Against Compelled Disclosure of Confidential Sources, Jaime M. Porter
(82 Indiana Law Journal 549 (2007))

Rethinking the Communications Decency Act: Eliminating Statutory Protections of Discriminatory Housing Advertisements on the Internet, James D. Shanahan
(60 Federal Communications Law Journal 135 (2007))

Non-governmental Organizations, Prevention, and Intervention in Internal Conflicts: Though the Lens of Darfur, J. J. Welling
(14 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 147 (2007))

Daubert's Erie Problem, Jennifer M. Wolsing
(82 Indiana Law Journal 183 (2007))

Submissions from 2006

Challenges for Private Sector Conservation: Sanderson's The Future of Conservation in Tierra del Fuego, Julia Amrock
(13 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 595 (2006))

Help for Hotspots: NGO Participation in the Preservation of Worldwide Diversity, Bradley M. Bernau
(13 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 617 (2006))

Exotic Pets Invade United States Ecosystems: Legislative Failure and a Proposed Solution, Robert Brown
(81 Indiana Law Journal 713 (2006))

'Wi-Fi'ght Them When You Can Join Them? How the Philadelphia Compromise May Have Saved Municipally-Owned Telecommunications Services, Adam Christensen
(58 Federal Communications Law Journal 683 (2006))

How the Xechem Decision May Insulate State Universities From Correction of Inventorship Suits, Stacey Drews
(81 Indiana Law Journal 411 (2006))

The Insanity Defense in the Twenty-First Century: How Recent United States Supreme Court Case Law Can Improve the System, Julie E. Grachek
(81 Indiana Law Journal 1479 (2006))

The Federal Courts of Appeals, Unpublished Decisions, and the "No-Citation Rule", Dione Christopher Greene
(81 Indiana Law Journal 1503 (2006))

Secured Creditors Holding Lien Creditors Hostage: Have a Little Faith in Revised Article 9, Timothy G. Hayes
(81 Indiana Law Journal 733 (2006))

Juvenile Competency Statutes: A Model for State Legislation, Kellie M. Johnson
(81 Indiana Law Journal 1067 (2006))

Toward a Limited Right of Access to Jury Deliberations, Torrence Lewis
(58 Federal Communications Law Journal 195 (2006))

Let History Be Our Guide: Using Historical Analogies to Analyze State Response to a Post-Granholm Era, Matthew B. Mills
(81 Indiana Law Journal 1097 (2006))

All Mixed Up: Bridgeport Music v. Dimension Films and De Minimis Digital Sampling, Jennifer R. R. Mueller
(81 Indiana Law Journal 435 (2006))

Rethinking Regulation of Advertising Aimed at Children, William A. Ramsey
(58 Federal Communications Law Journal 361 (2006))

The Information Quality Act: The Little Statute That Could (Or Couldn't?) Applying the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996 to the Federal Communications Commission, Kellen Ressmeyer
(59 Federal Communications Law Journal 215 (2006))

The "Data Slant": Why Lack of Media Generated by Minority Users Online Is an Offline Problem, Laura R. Rochet
(19 Harvard Journal of Hispanic Policy 39 (2006/07))

Taking the Initiative: Political Parties, Primary Elections, and the Constitutional Guarantee of Republican Governance, Gavin M. Rose
(81 Indiana Law Journal 753 (2006))

Protecting Race-Exclusive Scholarships from Extinction With an Alternative Compelling State Interest, Andrija Samardzich
(81 Indiana Law Journal 1121 (2006))

Davey's Deviant Discretion: An Incorporated Establishment Clause Should Require the State to Maintain Funding Neutrality, Nina S. Schultz
(81 Indiana Law Journal 785 (2006))

Private Eyes Are Watching You: With the Implementation of the E-911 Mandate, Who Will Watch Every Move You Make?, Geoffrey D. Smith
(58 Federal Communications Law Journal 705 (2006))

Using Global Themes to Reframe the Bioprospecting Debate, Jonathan B. Warner
(13 Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 645 (2006))